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Variant Configuration – Stock Transfer Order

Recently, a friend of mine came to me with a question about using a configurable material on a stock transfer order.  Now I’ve never actually tried to do this, so I had to do a little research of my own.  In my experience, the only way to accomplish this was always using a material variant.  I was going through my head, thinking of my past projects and trying to remember if I’ve encountered this before.  The closest I came to is very first job.  But there EVERYTHING was a material variant.  So that didn’t help me =)

However, when I’ve played with this at previous projects, the result always ended up the same.  Anytime you attempt to “stock” a configurable item there are always issues.  The concept of an STO is similar to a purchase order between 2 plants, only you get to skip the sales order.  The problem occurs because there is no linkage between a purchase order and supplying plant (MRP) even though you use special procurement keys.  So even though you might generate demand, you’ll have issues pulling the BOM and Routing because the configuration doesn’t get passed.

So, in general, the only way to accomplish the “stock transfer order” concept using a configurable material is to either 1.  use a material variant 2.  Create a purchase order for the configurable item in the “requesting” plant and a sales order for the same configuration in the manufacturing plant.  Neither of these options are ideal due to the amount of data that must be created on both plants.

I guess that’s the price of VC.  If anyone has a better approach, I’d love to hear it.  This certainly doesn’t seem like the best option.
Thanks for reading,

Basis – Can’t get your Email out of Waiting in SCOT?

Well, in one of my latest development activities I needed to send an email from my web application.  Now this isn’t as hard as I thought.  I’ll talk about that in another post.  What I have been having a hell of time doing is getting the email to send from my system.  Like everything Basis related, it’s always a challenge for me 🙂  Today is no different.  I’ve got emails that were getting into the SAPConnect queue, but were stuck in waiting status in SCOT.

Well, thanks for other pioneers that have gone before me, I was able to learn that there is a simple fix for this.  It all has to do withe time zone of the system.  Another little piece of data that I never thought about.  The time zone of your SAP system defaults to CET, while this doesn’t seem like a big deal, if your user has a different time zone set, then SCOT could take hours before the system clock reaches your time zone.

You have two options.  One, you can change your user timezone to match the system timezone.  Depending on what you have control over, this is certainly the easiest option.  Option 2 is to change the time zone of the system.  Since I control the system, I went for option 2.  If you’re curious, go to SPRO –> SAP Netweaver –> General Settings –>Time Zones –> Maintain System Settings.

So, if you find that your email messages are stuck in SCOT, check your time zone.  It could be a simple fix to an annoying problem.

Thanks for reading.

Service Management – Output Determination part 1 – Deliveries

Today I want to talk about Output Determination, more importantly, I want to talk about how you can notify your customers when things happen.  Not that long ago, I spoke with a prospect, and one of their requests was to have the customer notified at different points of the process.  I originally thought about doing it inside of my app, but then I realized that everything is “PULL” in a web application.  The easiest way to do it standard configuration.  There are multiple areas within service management that you might be interested in notifying your customers.  This first piece, in my opinion, is probably the most valuable, and most commonly used.  We’re talking about deliveries.  Today, what I’m going to show you is how you can setup output determination for inbound or output deliveries that get triggered upon Goods Issue.  The idea is that often your customer wants to know when you receive their equipment for repair, and even more important when you ship it back.  The configuration I’m going to show you today will work for either.  So let’s jump right into it.


First off, you’ll need to do some work in configuration.  In SPRO, here’s where you need to start.

We’ll start with the Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries folder.  We’ll start the Maintain Output Types.


In my example, I made a new output type ZLD0, and made a copy of LD00.  For starters, make sure you have a line for 5-External Send.


Don’t forget to update the partner tab, and make sure whatever Partner Type you want the email address from (I’m using SH), is assigned to 5-external send as well.

Next up we move to Maintain Output Determination Procedure


Now you will either need to create a new procedure, or update an existing one.  For simplicity, I just updated the V10000.  I then added step 50 for my output type.  The real key here is the Requirement.  “1” happens to be the requirement that Goods Issue must occur.  There are a bunch of predetermined requirements you can use for Output Determination, but if you can’t find one to fit your needs, you can always write your own.

Next, we move onto Assign Output Determination Procedure


Finally, make sure the procedure is assigned to your delivery type.

Next up, you need to make sure your shipping Point is setup for your condition type.  If you are using an existing condition type, you probably won’t need to do anything, but I’m throwing this in because it wasn’t setup in my new condition type.


Alright, with all of that out of the way, the configuration is complete.  But it won’t do anything for you without master data.

So head to your trust VV21/22 to create condition records.


I’m highlighting 2 fields that will matter for you.  Keep in mind, that the fields shown will depend on your access sequence you choose for your condition type.  Mine was simply Sales Org/Delivery Type.  So I’ve entered in my returns delivery, and told it to look at my SH partner, and use 5-external send as the medium (email).  Go ahead and save, and the next time you PGR an LR delivery, it will generate this output.

In the upcoming parts, I’ll talk about doing the same thing for Sales Orders, Service Orders and Notifications.

As always, thanks for reading.

Variant Configuration – Change Plant based on configuration

Now I apologize, because the title of this post might suggest that you can actually accomplish this feat.  Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, you cannot dynamically change plant based on the configuration.  In my experience, this was always a no-no.  Now if anyone has actually gone down the user-exit approach and made it work, I’d be curious to hear it.  In the meantime, here are some approaches to potentially help you… or at least give you some ideas of your own to change plant for a configurable item based on the configuration.

The biggest problem is that you get to choose one plant for each sales organization to be the default.  And even using configuration, it doesn’t matter if something within the configuration can only be done in Plant 0002, but Plant 0001 can do everything else (and should).  That being the case, here’s some approaches/techniques that may help.

1.  Multiple KMAT’s.  This is probably the most common/standard approach to change plant for a configurable item.  You can have one KMAT for each different plant.  You can reuse all of the dependencies, and create new configuration profiles etc.  Now the drawback to this approach is that you have to know in advance which product you want to manufacture.

2.  Use special procurement keys on a sub-KMAT.  Here’s the idea.  Set up your main KMAT A.  In the BOM add 2 SUB-KMATS, X & Y.  X will be the standard produce here in house (whatever plant is listed on the sales order).  Y will be a KMAT with a special procurement key pointing to the other plant.  Then using object dependencies select either X or Y.  I admit, I’m pulling this one out of my ass, so if anyone knows if this does or doesn’t work, let me know.  It sounds promising, but I have my doubts it would actually work =).

3.  Material Determination – this is a handy trick that could be used to make #1 easier for the sales order entry folks.  What you could do is create something “meaningful” to the entry people, that they could type in and it pull up the second KMAT in another plant.  For example it could X – Express, would pull up the KMAT with the least number of options that would be shipped the fastest.

4.  User Exit – you could always go down the path of adding new entry into VCSD_UPDATE for werks and using User-exits, drive the plant change this way.  Like any good SAP consultant, this is always the last resort, but for my current project, this may be the way we have to go.  Based on a little online research, it appears you’d want to use the following:  VCSD_UPDATE and transfer the changed values from the configuration to the sales order:  EXIT_SAPLCEI0_001 (include fields in structure VCSD_UPDATE)  EXIT_SAPFV45S_002 (process changed field values)”

Now, all that being said…  option 2 would be the coolest way to “possibly” do it with standard SAP, but I have a feeling that #4 is only way to accomplish a change plant based on configuration.

Thanks for reading,

Variant Configuration – Debugging Restrictable Characteristics

Lately, I’ve spent a lot of time working on the front end of my variant configuration models.  In that effort, I’ve been spending a lot of time restricting the restrictable characteristics within my model.  Whenever I focus on the front end, I tend to rely heavily on tables to restrict the characteristics.  While, this method is the best in my opinion, it certainly comes with it’s challenges in the initial setup.  Here’s a few lessons learned in my recent models.

1.  Beware of characteristic values that are restricted through classification.  While your table might be perfect, if you accidentally restricted the wrong the value, your table could give you very unexpected results.

2.  Be careful setting defaults.  Restrictable Characteristics could easily get locked in a loop if you restrict the values using constraints, and then set defaults on the characteristics that “restrict” each other.  Now, what can happen is that defaults get set on cstic A & cstic B.  A & B are used to restrict each other.  When the default gets set for A, and for B, you can only remove one default at a time, so resetting one value still leaves the other locked.  And you end up in a loop.

3.  If you use tables to restrict your values, don’t forget to include ALL the combinations.  Often I forget the values that don’t have an impact, like Without or Not Applicable.  If you don’t include these values in your table, they aren’t available and often end up setting values you didn’t expect.

There’s a couple of pointers when dealing with restrictable characteristics when you are designing the front end.

Thanks for reading,

Variant Configuration – Configurable Assemblies Only

Today I learned a simple lesson, but frankly, I should’ve known a long time ago, but never ran into this scenario.  In my current assignment, we ran into an issue in testing where an item was sales relevant was showing on the sales BOM, but wasn’t exploding it’s BOM (think of it like a kit).  Naturally, my first instinct is look into the item category and item category assignment.  Everything was on the up and up there.  Finally one of my colleagues tried the Configurable Assemblies Only check box on the configuration profile, and it magically solved our issues.

All this time, I thought that check mark only controlled what BOM VC spit out.  Until today, I never realized that the check box for configurable assemblies only also controlled how the Sales order would explode out components.  Just one more reason to never assume you know how something works, or everything it impacts.  I learned a new lesson today.  Thanks to Pat.  I must admit, I feel dumb for not finding this myself, but even the best of us have things to learn.

Thanks for reading,

Variant Configuration – Simplify your Dependencies

Now today’s post is just  simple reminder to keep your variant configuration dependencies simple.  Lately I’ve seen a lot of dependencies that work just fine, but the logic is more complex than needed.  So here’s a couple of pointers I’ve noticed lately that should help to simplify your dependency code.

1.  If you’re using SET_PRICING_FACTOR, and it should be applied if the condition exists (for example, it’s always a factor of 2 or 4 if the condition exist), don’t add any additional logic beyond that.  The pricing factor can only be applied if the condition exists in the configuration.  You don’t need an if statement unless the pricing factor doesn’t always apply to the variant condition.

Before: (psuedo code, sorry)

$SET_PRICING_FACTOR($SELF, VAR_COND_1, 2) IF ….  (same logic that sets VAR_COND_1).
should be:

2.  If you set a default, you don’t have to delete that default if you are setting the value for that characteristic.  $DEL_DEFAULT only needs to be used if you want to remove the default and you aren’t explicitly setting the value.

3.  If your if statement has CSTIC = X, you don’t need to add if CSTIC SPECIFIED AND CSTIC = X.  It will be true if the cstic is specified already.

There’s just a few examples of ways to simplify your code and make it easier to read and maybe even improve performance.

Thanks for reading,

Variant Configuration – Mixing Constraints and Procedures

Well, I recently ran into a glitch that forced me to do some investigating, so I figured I’d post it here.  For my VC guru’s out there, you already know this, but obviously, I forgot =)  The order of execution tends to be very important, especially when you mix constraints and procedures.  Let me start by laying out what I found, so it might make more sense to you.
I have a model that is primarily driven by constraints.  I’m heavily using variant tables in order to restrict my values.  There are also a handful of reference characteristics, along with some procedures to set things as INVISIBLE or NOENTRY, or setting defaults.  Now, everything worked just fine in CU50, but as soon as we started sales order testing, we started running into issues with the INVISIBLE characteristics (dynamic of course) not working properly.
So, like any good modeler, I looked at my rules and they all seemed fine in CU50.  Therefore, I’m “SURE” it must have been a user error.  ha ha.  Then I took it to the sales order and found that indeed, it was broken.  So, I went back to my old friend, trace.  This is what lead me to this post =)  When you start looking at the detailed trace, you see that a LOT happens for a constraint, and unfortunately, it’s not always intuitive.  What I was happening was a value was being set, then unset, then the procedure ran (unfortunately, dependent on the value), and then finally it was set again.  So I did some homework…  and short story was that there really wasn’t any around this “behavior”. The reason it behaved differently in CU50 vs. VA01 is because we had to manually enter a value for the reference characteristics.  When you enter a value, the execution works a little different behind the scenes.  This is why the issue only shows up in the sales.

So, the solution we came up with was to move the INVISIBLE and NOENTRY to a constraint.  What this accomplished for us was to make sure that everything kept getting re-executed to get the proper behavior.  Now, this still won’t solve all the issues…  since you can’t use SET_DEFAULT, or SPECIFIED in a constraint.  This will force you to use procedures if you must use this functionality.

The morale of today’s story, try to as much as you can in either the constraint or the procedures.  The more you mix these 2 technologies, the more testing you should expect to do in the sales order.  Happy modeling =)


Service Management – How Many DIEN Materials do you need?

Now, it’s been a while since I’ve talked about SM, so i thought I’d pull one out of the archives.  Well, at least my archives =)  Now when you set up your service business business, one of the questions you always begin with is how many DIEN materials do you need to run your business?  Now there are the obvious ones:
Return and Repair
Field Service
Service ExchangeNow, you can even break this down further by warranty or some other breakdown your organization needs.  My person take is to avoid going any deeper than the level I have above.  The further down you break things at this level will likely lead to confusion/mistakes when entering in the orders/notifications.  I typically encourage any further breakdown to be handled at a level that can change (like the accounting indicator).  If you use warranty as an example, once this is on the sales order, it’s very difficult to reverse.  So I encourage you to keep things like that out of the “rough cut”.
Once you have the main processes defined, you need to take a look at the next level.  Now, this is the  parts where things become more convoluted is if you begin to use resource related billing.  Now the trick with resource related billing (RRB) is knowing what you need to report on.  One of these days I’ll go into more details on RRB, but before you can do that, you need to understand what your goals are.  Now you can go simple, and just say labor and materials.  But what about subcontract costs?  do you need to break out travel costs?  or maybe even certain materials (ROH’s vs. HALB’s).  Keep in mind that much of your design will be based on your customer needs, but some of it should be based on what you plan to track as a business as well.

The short story is to have a plan.  You can add more in the future, but in order to handle Resource Related billing, you really need to figure out this part first.  When I talk more about RRB you’ll understand why.

Thanks for reading.


Variant Configuration – Save Temporarily Revisited

An old friend of mine recently emailed me about how to get the Save Temporarily feature to work in a sales order.  It had been a while since I touched that feature of VC, so I had to go back and play with it.  I remember the Save Temporarily being very “touchy”, but today I found out it was even touchier than remembered.

I’m going to keep this short, but if anyone can give me more details on exactly how this works, I’d love to hear it.  What I discovered is that I can’t seem to make the Save Temporarily work, unless the sales order already exists.  So, let me walk you through the steps I used that finally worked.

1.  Create the new sales order.  Be sure to enter everything (including the KMAT you want to populate) and then save.
2.  Go to the sales order/CU50 screen with the configuration you want to copy and open it up.
3.  Use the menu path:  Value Assignment–>Save Temporarily–>Save as
4.  Enter in a name (remember, if you have multiple levels that need to be populated, you must do a save as for each nested KMAT)
4-a.  Not sure if this is needed, but I’ve got in the habit of Value Assignment–>Save Temporarily–>Overview, just to make sure it saved it.
5.  Save the sales order. (if you are copying from a sales order/line item).  I don’t know why this seems to make a difference, but it works.
6.  Go to VA02, go to the configuration of the item you want to configure.  Use the menu:  Value Assignment–>Save Temporarily–>Overview.  Select the one you want to copy.  It should be there.

I couldn’t make this work when i used VA01, so if anyone can speak to that, let me know.  Otherwise, this approach seems to work.  Hope this helps.

Thanks for reading.