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Service Orders at a Glance

If you are anything like many of the companies I’ve worked for the past, they like the service orders, lots of information, but just too many tabs to jump around to see everything they want.  The basic tab, operations, components, costs…  and that doesn’t even include all the extra random information that may or may not be useful to your organization.

Would your technicians benefit from having everything in simple screen?  Then even throw in the most common functions like availability, TECO (with some extra functionality) and confirmations?


That’s exactly what Proximity Service Execution does (and a lot more).  All of the sections can be turned on or off.  The table columns can be sequenced to show only the fields you care about in the order you want.

Check out the demo for more information.  I’d love to hear from you on if you think this might be useful or not, or if you think something else should be included.


Let Your Customers Help you…

How much time does your call center spend answering questions like the following?

  • Have you received my equipment yet?
  • When will I receive a quote for the repair?
  • How do I accept the quote?
  • have you started repairing my equipment yet?
  • etc…

All of these simple questions around the status of a repair.  Wouldn’t it be nice if your customer could just go into their account and see all of current repairs (notifications)?.  They could see the real time status, 24/7, without picking up the phone.  For them, it’s complete freedom, for you, it’s hours a day saved from looking up each order and digging through all of the associated documents to find the current status.


What if you had an out of the box application that could provide all of that information to your customers (and much, much more)?.  Well, then you’ve have the Call Center Toolkit from JaveLLin Solutions.  If you’d like to see this in action, check out the demo.


Service Contracts – How do you know if they are profitable?

If you use service contracts in SAP, I’m sure you must have found how challenging it is to see the cost versus revenue of the complete contract.  I mean, without a lot of fancy programming, to see all of the service orders and their costs that are associated with a contract can be an incredible challenge.  So with the information so hard to come by, how do you accurately price a service contract?  And just how much money is your business losing every time you sign a contract?  What if you had an out of the box report that could show you exactly how each of your contacts was doing?


Our Service Management Dashboard can you provide you everything you need.  Detailed analysis of each contract, the complete document flow showing you every thing that has happened with the contract.  You can even project the upcoming revenue for a contract.

if you think your business could use this information, check out this demo.


Service Availability

I’ve always found it strange that there is no method to run availability in mass on components I need to use for my service orders?  SAP built up all this elaborate functionality around PP, but then just neglect us over on the service side.  Like everything in SAP, I’m sure they had their reasons, but it certainly made my life more challenging when I was trying to give accurate dates on my service orders, or teach people to load in their parts and just check the status.  After all, shouldn’t I be able to look at MACM and see that it’s complete after my nightly run of availability?


SAP provided a great starting point, transaction IWBK, that I took to the next level.  While it looks pretty much identical, you’ll notice I added one button that allows you to availability on all selected orders.  In addition, you can run this program as a nightly job so your service technicians can see first thing in the morning if their parts came in yesterday.

If you’d like more information on this, check out my demo.  IN addition, we built this functionality into our Proximity application so it’s easy for a supervisor to run availability in mass, or your technicians can run in on an order by order basis for the latest and greatest results.

Thanks for reading,

Third Party Configuration – Account Assignment Category

I recently learned something new, so I thought I’d pass it onto you.  When you deal with third party items, you usually need to control where the dollars are supposed to flow to the purchasing side of things.  Well, with a little digging, I figured out the configuration steps required to do it. This could get long, so I’ll probably break this into a couple of pieces.  This first piece is the Account Assignment Category.  if you are like me, you’ve seen this field in the schedule lines, but never really paid any attention to it.  Well, now I understand the value.


First, here is where you go to in configuration.


From here, you can see the different out of the box account assignment types.  In my example, X was the default.  I was having trouble getting the correct account until I came to look at the next piece of configuration.


Then like magic, I found the field I’d been looking for.

Acct Modification – this field VAX is the missing key I needed to assign the accounts.  It’s also the way to make new keys, so if you want one item category to point to warranty, and one to be billed, this is the start of how to configure that.

in addition, you can determine if you want to perform a goods receipt into inventory, or if the item is purely service related.


One more step for today…  and that’s the next step in configuration.  And this one simply needs an entry for S and your account assignment category. If you don’t make a new category, you don’t even need to perform this step.

I’m not going to go into a super amount of detail here because I’m no MM expert, and I’ll cover this in more depth in my upcoming e-book.  If all goes according to plan, I hope to publish this by mid-November.

Thanks for reading,

Running VL10 in the background

Well, I recently found out that it’s not as simple as I thought.  The idea is in my test system, I wanted to create some deliveries in the background.  Seemed easy, at least that’s what I thought, until I played with it for a while and just couldn’t get it to do anything beyond showing me the list of deliveries.  Finally, I reached out to an old friend, and he pointed me to OSS note 310022.  Now, if you have questions, you can also refer to that note, but I’ll do my best to walk you through what you need to do.

Call Transaction VL10CUA for maintenance of the user roles.


Now, I just picked 5001 to copy.  Branch to the detail view of the user role and change the entry for
the F-code profile from “Display delivery list” to “Supply delivery


Be sure to change the change this one value.

Next, Call the desired Transaction VL10* and branch to the “User role” tab page. Do not use Transaction SE38 or VL10BATCH for variant maintenance of VL10*.  MY personal favorite is VL10G, but any of them will work.

Here, enter the user role that you have maintained for background processing.
Caution! If you use a user role with an F-code profile for the immediate creation of deliveries, you receive no dialog with a shipping due list but the deliveries are created immediately at the start of the selection!

Please note, if the user tab is grayed out, you will need to go to transaction VL10CU and make sure you check the box for allow assignment.  in VL10G, I needed to add this check box to 0003.


Now press save or branch to your variant and then you use VL10BATCH to schedule it.  and you are ready to go.

Thanks for reading,


Warranty Claims – Dealing with a Vendor Warranty

Thanks to all of you that have commenting on some of posts.  I recently got a comment that I figured would be better to do a post on, rather than just answer the question.  It’s interesting, because the question that came up seems like it would be pretty standard, yet I haven’t run into the actual scenario before.  The scenario is that I have a part with a vendor warranty.  The part comes back to me, I fix it and return it to the customer.   then I need to invoice the vendor for my repair since it was under their warranty.

Initially, when I looked at this scenario, I thought I could avoid the warranty claims altogether.  I was hoping for a simple credit memo generated from the repair line.  But you can’t change the partners here since it’s a sub-line item.  If it were me, I would want to maintain the history, so keeping my document flow together is ideal, maybe even critical depending on the business needs.  This leaves me with 2 options.

The first option is what I’ll call the quick and dirty method.  This process will have gaps that might cause headaches, but it depends on how often this occurs, and of course the terms of the warranty.  This process would be to create a credit memo request with reference to repair sales order.  Now, in the copy control, you’ll first need to allow this.  You may even consider generating a new document type specifically for vendor reimbursement.  Now, the gotcha’s begin to happen when you need to work with a  vendor, that may or may not have a corresponding customer master to assign to the document.  If you’re lucky, there is a customer master, and then this process will work for the easy stuff.  Now, the issues will arise when your credit memo to the vendor doesn’t match what they will reimburse.  Say for example, they only reimburse parts, but not labor.  If you invoice for the full amount, they may reject parts, forcing you to cancel documents, or make changes and then reissue the document, just to get paid.  In addition, you will want to make sure you assign the technical object to the credit memo request to make sure the serial number history is maintained.  As you can see, there quite a few places for this process to go wrong.  However, in a small shop where this doesn’t happen often, this may be a viable solution.

The alternative solution I’d implement is using Warranty Claims.  Now, the problem with claims is that they can be complicated and master data intensive.  But it will give you the greatest amount of flexibility and reporting.  (keep in mind, I haven’t configured this, so I apologize if miss something).  I would implement a post-crediting scenario.  I would send the reimburse the details of labor/materials/etc. along with the total amount I want to reimbursed.  Now, you won’t need to worry about interacting with the customer who owns the product.  They will deal with you through the standard return and repair scenario in SAP (since you probably already have a notification, be sure to attach it to the initial claim to be sure you maintain traceability).  If you look at my original post on warranty claims for beginners, this scenario will only need to be configured with version 2 & 3 shown in that post.  So when you configure the scenario, you don’t need to worry about the version 1 & 4, since you don’t need to deal with the customer, this is purely a reimbursement from the vendor to you.  You could go the full way, but I don’t believe it’s needed to accomplish everything needed for this scenario.

Some things to remember, each vendor must be assigned a customer master (just the way this works).  And those customers must be assigned the AS partner type to make them eligible for claims processing.  You won’t be able to avoid this master data setup.

I’ll be sure to prototype this before I finish writing my book on Warranty Claims 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Variant Configuration – ETO and STO

Well, an old friend of mine recently pinged me with a question.  The idea was how do I get my bill of material in the producing plant, if my ordering plant is in another company code.  So plant A orders the configurable product, and plant B builds it.  Plant A & B are in different company codes so you an STO is needed.  The problem is that out of the box, the order BOM for the product exists in the ordering plant.  But since it’s Engineer to Order, the BOM really needs to exist in the producing plant.

Luckily, my buddy Rama happened to have the answer for me.  It turns out, there are a couple of OSS notes that take care of this.

494500 & 691267 will tell CU51 (order bom maintenace) to look at the special procurement key and create the BOM, rather than in the ordering plant.

in addition, here’s a good link that has a lot of VC OSS tricks 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – Configurable Leading Service Orders

Well, after I learned about how cool it was to combine service management and variant configuration, I did some posts a while ago, talking about exactly how it worked.  If you missed those, check them out here.  Well, there was still one gap that I couldn’t get to work.  I tend to use service with a “leading service material”, while the alternative is a “leading serviceable material”.  Well, it turns out that only leading serviceable materials can work out of the box with VC.  I worked with OSS for a couple weeks on this…  only to have it get kicked high enough up the chain to tell me “works as designed”.  However, they were nice enough to give me the standard user-exit that can be used to make it work.  So I thought I”d share that with you today.

Generally, please be aware that in a Standard repair process with
leading serviceable material, the configuration data, i.e. CUOBJ, is
only copied from the main item to the returns sub item. This is
controlled via the following coding:

* for RMA return subitem (leading serviceable material) fill cuobj from * main item and fix the configuration (like in normal copy process)
if vbap-vkgru eq vkgru_rep_retoure and
vbak-vbklt eq vbklt_repa_auft.
vbap-cuobj = hvbap-cuobj.
perform configuration_fix(sapfv45s).

If you want the CUOBJ also to be copied to other sub items in the
repair order, you would have to implement a modification in

if vbak-vbklt eq vbklt_repa_auft.
if vbap-vkgru eq vkgru_rep_gutschrift or
vbap-vkgru eq vkgru_rep_austauschteil or
vbap-vkgru eq vkgru_rep_auslieferung.
vbap-cuobj = hvbap-cuobj.
perform configuration_fix(sapfv45s).

The constants for the item classifications are defined as follows
vkgru_rep_retoure       LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘101’,
vkgru_rep_reparatur     LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘102’,
vkgru_rep_auslieferung  LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘103’,
vkgru_rep_leihgeraetbes LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘104’,
vkgru_rep_leihgeraetabh LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘105’,
vkgru_rep_austauschteil LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘106’,
vkgru_rep_verschrottung LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘107’,
vkgru_rep_gutschrift    LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘108’,
vkgru_rep_lastschrift   LIKE vbap-vkgru VALUE ‘109’,
so if you want the configuration to be copied into sub items of types
other the returns/101, you would need to adjust the userexit code

Hope this might be helpful to you.  I’ll actually be fully documenting the configuration of this process (and I’ll include this code again) in my upcoming E-book on configuring service management.  It’s been a beast writing this book, so when it comes out, I’ll be pretty excited.  If you’re interested in a copy, let me know 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – One Repair with Multiple Serial Numbers

This one is near and dear to my heart, because I’ve been trying to come up with a better to handle this (likely to be a new JaveLLin product soon, once I finalize my plan).  But I’m starting to see more and more business that get one call, but will have 10 units coming back for repair.  In general, SAP doesn’t handle this out of the box.  If you follow the standard return and repair model, you would need to create 10 different notifications (at least if you wanted to quick check warranty status and maintain some history).  Well, no business I’ve ever worked for wanted to do that.  Especially since you may be on a call and need to provide a notification number immediately upon call completion.

What I’ve seen in the past, is that normally, the call center just types the first serial number into the notification, and then puts the rest into the notes.  Depending on the realism of the business, they may be expected to make 9 more notifications after the call ends…  but we all know the chance of that happening.  This compounded by the fact that there are usually calls waiting, and it gets really hard to remember to get back to a notification that appears complete.

So what’s the alternative?  it really is custom development as far as I know.  Now, this gets even tougher when you factor in the different options for creating your repair sales order.  Should each serial number be given it’s own line item to keep the repairs separate?  should it be batched, forcing you to ship and receive all units at the same time?  or more commonly, “It depends”.  So this makes it very difficult to utilize the nice little action button on the notification, because you need to go in and tweak everything anyway, add more lines, etc.

So today, I’m reaching out to anyone reading this…  I’d really love to know how you handle this, or if you even encounter this.  Maybe it’s not as big of an issue as I believe it is….  or maybe there is some great functionality I just don’t know about, in which case, PLEASE teach me 🙂

I look forward to your feedback, and as always, thanks for reading,