My new buddy Jeff turned me onto a new book (well, it’s new to me) called Traction. The idea behind this book is to get a grip on your business. Well, this is right up my alley. Lately, Perry Marshall has been talking a lot about working “on” your business, not “in” your business. Well, I am VERY guilty of spending all my time working “IN” my business that I often forgot about the business itself. I’m so focused on writing blog posts, adding new features, and contacting prospects, that I quickly realized that I only have a “high” level plan at best for my business.
Now over my career, I’ve often gone back and forth about my goals for JaveLLin Solutions. Sometimes I look at it as a self sustaining business that I can move me out of the consulting world, so I can pursue my dream full time. Other times, I get more ambitious, thinking that in 5 to 10 years, I want someone to buy me out for millions of dollars, and finally I have the idea of building a business that I could leave to my kids (this one is a bit more far fetched, since who knows if my kids would be interested… after all, my oldest boy isn’t even 5 yet. ha ha ).
My point is that my “plan” has been vague at best. This new book is forcing me to sit down and decide what is my plan. As the old saying goes, if you don’t where you’re going, how do you plan to ever get there? or maybe you’re already there. And I know that personally, I’m not there yet. So I need to start focusing on what I want to grow this business into. The book is interesting, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more about some of the ideas I’m getting soon.
But you need to walk away with this thought. What is your plan? are you waiting on social security? a pension? a lottery ticket? or do you know what your goal is and at least have a direction for getting there? if not… do yourself a favor and spend some time thinking about it.
Thanks for reading,