Staying Focused. The challenge of writing.

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Well, I mentioned a while ago that I was working on writing an E-Book.  It certainly won’t be an exciting read, but I’m hoping it will be very educational.  I’m working on writing a manual on how to configure SAP Service Management.  I originally thought this would be an easy endeavor.  I mean, I know this stuff inside and out, right?  Well, I’m discovering that writing a book is more than just knowing the story you want to tell.  You need to stay focused, and like any good project, you need to control “scope creep”.

I’ve been doing my best to keep adding new sections to fully describe the configuration, lots of screen shots, etc.  But then I get sidetracked doing some Linked-In marketing, or working with my contractors, writing new specifications, etc…  and before long, I’ve gone a week without adding any new content.  Then to compound things, I keep thinking of things to add to make the book better.

What’s the lesson?  like everything else, you have to prioritize.  For me personally, I need to break the task down into smaller pieces, and schedule those.  I’ve had one task of write the e-book.  It’s a better approach for me to write one section at a time, and thus set up smaller daily tasks of writing a section every day.  Next up is to draw a line in the sand.  If I don’t stop with the new ideas, it just becomes one more method of procrastination.

Now realization alone isn’t enough.  For me, I need to act on this new knowledge.  So I literally just went to Remember the Milk, and changed the task to do a daily section of the E-book.  A manageable task, rather than a monumental one 🙂

Thanks for reading,

As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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