Quality over Quantity… Time for a Change

Home / Blog / Quality over Quantity… Time for a Change

Well, a friend of mine recently sent me an article.  The basic idea behind it is for blogging, is it better to do high quantity?  or high quality?  In a perfect world, it would be both.  But let’s face it.  Most of us don’t get paid to blog.  It’s something we do in our “spare” time.  For me, it’s generate awareness of what I do, increase credibility, and maybe even attract a potential customer for my products.  That being said, I’m going to switch things up.  I’ve been doing posts Mon – Thursday for a past couple years.  Initially, I had a lot to talk about, and numerous topics to discuss.  Lately, I’ve noticed that many of my posts are just to post something.  I’m trying so hard to put out 4 topics in a week, that I don’t have the time to make them in depth, or really valuable.

After talking with my good friend Justin, I came to the realization, that if I spent the time writing one good post a week (at least that’s the initial plan), that it would be far more valuable than writing 4 posts, and would take me the same amount of time.  So to my loyal readers who look forward to my daily words of wisdom. (ha ha), I hope you’ll stick with me through this transition, and i welcome your feedback.  I do promise, that as I learn little tips or tricks, I’ll still drop in a quick post about them, but in general, I’m going to strive for greater quality, which means that it will be a lower quantity.

Thanks for reading,

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