Wow… what an adventure. I feared I might run into some issues doing this, but being small means we need the sales and we need the references. So it means we do some things to go the extra mile. We have a really strong potential with a new client, but they run 4.6C. I had forgotten just how long ago that 4.6C came out. I did the math, and realized that its been over 10 years since the last time I worked on a 4.6C system. Well, today was my first challenge. I already knew that I couldn’t create a standard package to send for our free trial period, so I had to use standard transports. Well, we sent the transports, they tried and right off the bat, we get an error that you can’t import from a unicode system into a 4.6C non-unicode system. DOH!!!
So, I hit the interweb and looked in OSS to find some clues. The first thing I found was OSS note 330267 that talks about just this issue. Cool… Well, it turns out there is an additional parameter you can add to the transport system that outputs the transport in a format readable by 4.6C. Score!!! but there’s a catch, you have to be on a late enough kernel. Guess What? My kernel version wasn’t recent enough.
So I pulled out my trusty post about upgrading your kernel… spent way too much time downloading files from OSS, and finally got it upgraded. So then i went to STMS, clicked the system overview button, double clicked on my system, went to the transport tool tab, and added a new parameter:
exporttoascii = yes
Such a little command, with so much power. Once I exported this transport, I was able to move onto my next set of errors… but I’ll save that for tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.