Starting Off the New Year

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Happy New Year.  If you’re like me, you’ve spent the past few days cashing in on the last of your deductions for 2014, paying off those last minute bills, and finding a little time to relax.  But that’s over now.  It’s 2015, and time to hit the ground running.  For me, it’s about a new beginning.  JaveLLin will now be focusing primarily on Service Management.  We will still provide the production execution products we’ve designed, but now the focus will be 100% SM.  Looking back, it has been an uphill battle, trying to do too much, spreading our resources too thin.  Now, we will be the end to end SAP SM solutions provider.

With the release of the E-Books, I hope to build some additional momentum in establishing myself as the SAP SM expert.  I’ll still be leveraging my Linked-In connections built in 2014, along with the connections I made at the SAP MFG conference.

In short, a lot of work happened in 2014.  In 2015, I need to capitalize on all the ground work we’ve laid.  I’m really excited that 2015 will be the year my solutions take off.  If any of you reading out there have any leads on a business that could use some SM help…  or if you know of some functionality that could be really useful, please let me know.

Thanks for reading,

As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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