Well, I signed up a few months ago with a company to help expand my linked-in presence. They have done a great job of increasing the number of times someone searches me, as well as getting me connected to a vast number of a people. The problem is that I now of all of these connections… but what do I do with them?
The concept is that I can eventually get quality through quantity. A theory that seems sounds. However, with all that quantity, comes a great deal of “noise”. The idea behind increasing my linked-in connections was to get me connected to people/companies using SAP. In particular, to help me connect with the decision makers and the people that can write the checks. Well, right now, I have no good way sort through the people that I may want to speak directly with. I did recently find a cool option that I didn’t know about, and that is the option to tag contacts. This is great, if my contacts had been “tagged as I went”. Now, the shear volume would take me days to get through to tag everyone.
So, what I will likely end up doing, is searching my companies that I know run SAP. Then for each of my first connections, I can go through and tag them. The problem with this approach is that it still leaves all the companies I’m not aware of, thus losing me the connections I was really looking… But like everything, I need to start somewhere.
But, if you’re connections are manageable, and you are trying to use Linked-In for business connections, the tag is a good option. If you might have any suggestions on how to better sort my connections, I’d love to hear it. In general, I’m a linked-in novice, so any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading,
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike