Genius or Idiot? maybe a little of both :)

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Just the other day, I had one of those flashes of brilliance (at least I think so).  It involved crossing over out big production product (Proximity) into the service world.  Well, instantly, I felt like I hit the jackpot.  This is one of those things that really ties our entire offering together.  Now it’s not a production product and a service product.  But it can packaged as a giant service suite.  My head began swimming with the possibilities of tieing in all my utilities that I’ve been designing, and on and on…

That’s when the other side of the coin hit me.  Why the hell didn’t I think of this sooner?  I mean for crying out loud, my partner and I had even mentioned doing this multiple times in the past.  But it was always just a passing comment, “when we get time we can do this”…  you know those comments.  That’s when I felt pretty stupid.  I mean really Piehl…  this idea has been just sitting there waiting for you pluck off the ground at your feet.

So…  once I got past that 🙂  I again began to realize that idea don’t always hit us until we are ready for them.  When we’ve talked stuff like this in the past, it was already around a feature or product aspect.  It wasn’t about the big picture.  It wasn’t about providing an all encompassing offering, making our stuff even more unified…  it wasn’t about me become more invested in both sides of the house, instead of just the developer of a production tool.

So, remember, it’s ok to feel like a moron for a few minutes.  But then come back to reality.  The ideas really do come to us when we’re ready for them.  Me, I needed more marketing knowledge before I could really see this for what it was…  A perfect way to position our entire offering to everyone.  This doesn’t take anything away from the awesome tool we made to compete with MES systems.  Just the contrary.  We now have 2 totally different customer bases to market the same product to.  Like I said, in the title…  a little bit of both…  but just remember, when the idea hits, run with it right now.  Don’t waste too much time, because when that initial boost is gone, it could get shelved along with the other things to “work on when we get time”…  which is never.

Thanks for reading,

As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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