Month: April 2015

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Are you busy just to be busy?

One of the things I often notice about myself is that I’m incredibly busy, all the time.  The problem is that what I’m often busy doing is the wrong stuff.  For example, I just looked at my to do list.  I have programming tasks, personal task (these are must do:D ), marketing tasks, plus some other things…  While some of these are vital, it’s often good to stop and do a sanity check on what you should be doing.

Now Perry Marshall often talks about increasing your hourly wage.  There are things you can do that earn you $10/hr, $100/hr, $1000/hr or more…  Now the problem I have with this concept is that you often still have to do the $10/hr tasks unless you have a fully staffed business.  For example as a small company, I can’t really afford for someone to write this blog for me, someone to enter in my day to day expenses, or someone to take the trash out for me on Tuesday morning.  I have allocated some funds to pay some programmers to help me, but even that takes up my time because I have to write the specifications, test what they did, report back any errors and repeat.  This does help, because I’m not down in the trenches figuring out why a select statement returns too many values.  So when you can afford to have people help you, I totally agree about delegating out the things you aren’t good at, or that you can easily train someone else to do.  The problem is when you’re small, you don’t always have the funds to pay someone else…  that means your stuck doing it yourself.

This makes it even MORE important to scrutinize your to-do list.  Because there will always be things you have to do (say submit your taxes, or pay your contractors)…  they may not be $1000/hr tasks, but until you’re making enough money, you HAVE to do them.  So the remaining tasks better be getting you toward making that money.  For me, it’s meant that I have to focus on the upcoming SAPPHIRE conference.  It’s not what I’m best at…  but right now, it’s my best upcoming shot at getting prospects, and without prospects, there is no $$$.  Anyway, make sure what keeps you busy is worth your time.  It might be that you need to delay it for a while, and pick it up again in a couple of months.  I had to do that with blogging…

Thanks for reading,

Head Trash – What’s holding you back?

My new favorite marketing guru, Perry Marshall, introduced me to the term head trash.  It’s a simple term to explain a very complicated concept.  Head trash is all of the things we do to sabotage ourselves everyday.  It could be a fear of failure, it could be worrying about what other people think about you or your products, or it could be something far more ominous because you can’t put your finger on it.  I happened to think of this post because lately I think I have plenty of head trash surfacing.  For the rest time I’m battling with insomnia.  Literally, can’t stop thinking when I try to crash for the night.  It took me a while, but I finally realized that I must have issues to deal with 🙂

Personally, I still struggle with the fear of poverty.  It’s a ridiculous fear, but it drives me to keep going and going.  I know I have more under the surface, but I’m still working on figuring them out.  Everyone has something that holds us back.  The question comes down to if we can find a way to overcome it.  Much of it revolves around spirituality and self improvement.  Personally, I found something that I’m toying with.  It’s called Sozo…  and it’s more religious than I normally tend to personally, but a lot of it “feels” right.  So it’s worth a try.

The first step is recognizing that something is holding you back.  So…  what’s holding you back from accomplishing your dreams?

Thanks for reading,

Variant Configuration – Low Level Code Issues

Well, this is a headache I haven’t dealt with in a long time (and I had to go digging to remember how to fix this).  So I thought it might be something useful for any one else looking :).  Now, here is the scenario.  I had a configurable material that has a material variant of the same KMAT on the bom.  (the idea was to have MV’s created without all the options and kept in stock to expedite getting orders out the door).  All of this was fine, until we got to sales order costing.

We kept getting the CK877 error, Sales order costing not possible for recursive configurable materials.  Well, I know for a fact, that it works (it’s been working with a bunch of the material variants created months ago).  So, after some digging, I came to find that for a group of new MV’s created, they all had a low level code of 000.  Now, I don’t claim to understand exactly what these codes are or how they are calculated, but I do know is that adding a 000 onto another 000 will cause issues somewhere down the line when it comes to VC 🙂

Now, in order to “fix” this problem, we located an old dummy BOM.  This happened to be a group BOM (not sure if that makes a difference or not).  I added all of the new MV’s to this BOM saved it (and then deleted it off just for cleanliness), and magically, the low level codes got updated to 001, my sales order costing error disappeared.  FYI.  MARA-DISST will hold your low level code, if you need to do a quick check on a group of materials.

Hope this can save you some major research in the future.  thanks for reading,