WMIGO – My latest application

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A few days ago, I mentioned how I started my integration between Service Management and Warehouse Management.  This started small by cloning the old school transactions MB1A, MB1B & MB1C.  I quickly found why everyone said it was a bad idea.  So I spent the last week designing my own solution.  It’s kind of a cross between the new SAP Enjoy transaction MIGO & and the original MB1A, B and C.

Now the solution is nearly complete (in fact, I hope to be doing my documentation and youtube video of it by next week).  In the meantime, I wanted to touch on what I learned while doing this.  First, trying to replicate an old or even a new SAP transaction can be quite time consuming.  While my functionality to create the Transfer Order from the material movement was quite simple, learning how SAP designed the transaction can be quite involved.  On the plus side, I learned quite a bit about material movements.  For those of you that care, the tables T156, T157 & T158 all help the material movements.  The transaction OMJJ has pretty much everything you need to configure anything in the material movement world.  I had to learn this because since there are hundreds of options for doing a material movement, in my limited experience I’ve probably only done about 15 or 20 of them total.  So I had to learn what values are needed for each of these.  In addition, there are always fields that appear or disappear depending on the movement type.  Table MIGO_CUST_FIELDS became invaluable because it shows what fields should appear by movement type.  It allowed me to keep my transaction very generic (only doing specific logic for a couple of movement types).  I also found there are movement types that can do almost anything, yet I don’t think they are often used.  So like any good application, I’m choosing to ignore those movements and add it to the documentation.  If a customer requests it, I’ll add it later =)

I just need to add the serialization piece and I’m ready to have another application out there.

Thanks for reading


As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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