It always amazes me how I can learn something new all the time. I really thought I knew most of the Variant Configuration tricks, but today I learned new one. it’s a standard transaction in SAP to update the configuration of the material variant. Lately, I’ve just used GUI scripting to handle the task, because it was the best way I knew of to make sure all the change pointers continued to reset the BOM and routing properly. Well, today a collegue of mine showed me this transaction she found online… so of course, I needed to check it out a little closer. This transaction is pretty slick. You can update a bunch of MV’s at a time, you can hit all of the plants it’s been setup in, you can even do it by KMAT and get all fo the MV’s. Quite impressive, since I’ve got used to maintaining a list of Material variants and plants to update.
Just a note, be sure to uncheck “Only Display Selection” if you want it to be updated. I’d prefer if that was labeled test mode, but since it isn’t, treat it like “test mode”.
Thanks for reading,
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike