One of the important pieces of tracking your metrics (and more importantly your improvement) in SAP hinges on having data. In the service order, a lot of the change documents are turned off by default. So I thought I’d put together a quick post to show you how to activate the Service Order change documents. So, let’s start with where the configuration exists in SPRO

Now, here’s all things you should be aware of in this transaction. First, find your order type and plant, then start scrolling across and make sure that you’ve checked everything that makes sense for your business:
Indicator: Status change document active for materials this will track the status changes in a service order for the materials. if you do metrics reports, you need this checked.
Increment this is the increment of operation numbers in your task list.
Status change document for header order/network this collects all the header level status changes. Again, if you collect metrics, you need this checked.
Collective Requisition if you want a single purchase req for the whole order, check this box. Otherwise you’ll receive a different pur req for each item.
Res/PurReq this determines if the purchase req/component is released as soon as it’s entered, or not until the service order has been released. I’ll usually recommend (2).
PDC Active exactly what it says, plant data collection is active.
Indicator: Workflow for purchase order change you get the idea.
Indicator: creation of change documents active highly encouraged, so you can see all changes.
Ind.: Copy Net Price from Requisition into Purchase Order you get it.
Indicator: Status change document active for operations another change indicator.
Indicator: Status change document active for PRTs last change indicator
If you’re not sure you have this stuff set, I encourage you to go check. If you don’t need it now, I’m sure you’ll need it in the future.
As always, if you need any SM assistance, please contact us,