I just recently picked up a new trick from my Ad-words book. I highly recommend Perry Marshall’s book. It really is worth the money. Here’s my problem. I was following the formula, use 2 ads per ad group. Great. The problem I was having is that some ads were getting a disproportionate amount of impressions. In cases, 95%/5%. This makes it very challenging to determine which ad is truly performing better. Especially because often I’m getting a great click through rate on the 5%, but far fewer clicks.
What I figured out was that there are advanced settings I wasn’t even aware of. And unless you click the right buttons, you never see them. See, here’s what I found. Go to your campaign settings. Under the general settings, click edit. Be sure that All Features is selected. This opens up the advanced configuration I didn’t realize existed. Once you accept this, you can scroll down to :Ad delivery: Ad rotation, frequency capping –> Ad rotation. Change it to: Rotate evenly: Show ads more evenly for at least 90 days, then optimize.
This will force Google to show both ads on a “close” to even rotation. There it is. Another ad-words tip I just learned.
Thanks for reading.
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