Getting Back in the Groove

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Sorry for my absence of late.  It’s been a crazy string of vacations, and today I’m finally back to the real world.  Vacations are great, but it is damn tough to jump right back into everything.  If you’re like me, there is always a never ending stream of daily tasks that I focus on.  Suddenly, when you disappear for a full week, that means a lot of things got put on hold.  Granted, I kept up with the most critical while I was out…  but that left a lot of little things that I’m trying to get back under control.

Happily, my list has high, medium and low priorities…  but when I see a huge list of things that all need my attention, it’s easy to get caught up in doing low priority tasks.  I can’t lie… it’s how I spent the first hour of my day today…  weeding through emails, and trying to check easy things off of the list.  The problem is that it might make me feel a little better, I’m not getting the really important things done.  But at least it helps me settle back into the routine…  and if I can get away from the overwhelmed feeling, it makes it easy to start to tackle the more important things.

Moral of today… don’t beat yourself up.  =)

thanks for reading,

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