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Do you celebrate your achievements?

Do you celebrate your achievements?

I’ve listening to a lot of Tim Ferris lately.  His podcast is all over the board, and it turns out this is exactly what I needed.  I tend to get so focused on a topic that it’s all I listen to, all I think about and as a result, I miss out on a lot of other ideas.  Well, one of those ideas that I’ve heard a few times lately is that many people, myself included, don’t know how to celebrate their victories.  It sounds so silly, but when I look at myself, every time I accomplish something I end up in a position of “what’s next?”.

I look back to college as a perfect example for me.  All through high school, I had one solid aim in mind.  Get myself into college so that I could get my engineering degree and get a job.  Well, all the sudden I found myself graduating from college.  I already had a job with an engineering company and ended up going into a sort of minor depression.  It was so crazy to me… I finally had everything I’d been striving for for years.  But the whole issue is that I didn’t know what was next?  I didn’t know what I was supposed to do.  I accomplished my goals then found myself in a position of being lost.  I didn’t have anything to aim for.  I no longer had that overwhelming drive to accomplish something.

Looking back, I realize that I didn’t know how to enjoy my success.  And unfortunately, I haven’t gotten past this.  Instead, I just kept adding new goals, new objectives, new impossible missions to make sure that I always had a goal to drive to.  I have found a couple of things that mildly help.

  • Write down all your accomplishments that you are, or should be, proud of  and read it every couple of weeks.

It sounds a little egotistical, but by reminding myself of all the things I have done, it helps put things into perspective.  It also reminds me that I have done a lot of things…  I personally fall into the trap of looking at all of the things left to do.  So forcing myself to look back and see all that I have done helps put things into perspective a little better.

  • Make a jar of “Awesomeness”

I haven’t done this one yet, but it’s an idea I got from Tim Ferris.  The idea is very similar to my list.  It forces you to take a few minutes, add something new into the jar and force you to look at the jar and see all the things in there.

Remember, enjoy your accomplishments.  No matter how big or how small, if you don’t stop and enjoy the moment, what’s the point?

thanks for reading,

Could you benefit from Decreasing Repair Time and Increasing Productivity in Service

Could you benefit from Decreasing Repair Time and Increasing Productivity in Service

  • Are you customers waiting too long for their equipment to be repaired?
  • Do your technicians know the orders to work on first? Do they have everything they need when they need it?
  • Are your technicians wasting time entering operations and components for each customer repair?
  • Are you wasting your warehouse space on customer repairs waiting on parts?
  • Are you comparing planned cost to actual cost?
  • Is Quoting an In-House repair a manual headache?

I know these questions are silly because if you use Service Management in SAP, the answer is yes to at least one of these questions!!!  Let’s face it, who doesn’t want to easily shave cost off the bottom line, or better yet get some new revenue channels coming into your organization.  Well, I wrote a white paper to give you some ways to do just this.  Now some well run organization may already be using all of these, but in general, most organization are not doing at least one or two of the items in this white paper.

Free Guide on Decreasing Repair Time and Increasing Productivity in Service

Thanks for reading,

UI5 – a nice way to Debug

UI5 – a nice way to Debug

The OpenSAP class has just shown me another neat little feature that I was unaware of.  In addition to debugging using Chrome or Firefox, there is another UI5 option to get a cleaner look at all of the stuff going on.  After you execute your application press the following keys:


it will bring up the following window.


You can then click into any of the options to expand what you can see and do.


I’ve finally got used to debugging in Chrome, but to me, it’s far from easy.  You can’t complete avoid Chrome because this page won’t be very useful if your app isn’t even rendering.  In that case, you will need to solve those issue first.  But if you find your app isn’t behaving like you expected, you can use this nice little tool to easily work through the elements to see what’s going on.

Thanks for reading,

Using the Service Notification – My latest E-book

I’m pretty excited.  I recently released my third e-book.  I decided to take a bit of a different approach to this book.  Rather than talking about configuration and how to set it up from a technical perspective, I focused more on data within the notification.  My other 2 books heavily discussed how to configure the notification, so for this book I wanted to focus more on what is available to add to the notification, as well as give my person recommendations.  If you happen to check it out, I’d love to hear you thoughts.

SAP Service Management: Using the Service Notification

I’m currently starting working on a book all about service contracts.  It will end up being more of the end to end service contract manual (including configuration), but obviously, everything I learn from the notification book will shape the new book.

Thanks for reading,

Installing the SAP Cloud Connector

I recently had to reset one of my test systems.  The same test system was where my cloud connector was installed, so I needed to reinstall it.  Initially, the install went well, but for some reason, when I went to reinstall, it wasn’t working.  I’m not sure if it’s because the Hana Cloud Platform was already configured to use it.  But I found I needed to do the following.

  1. Install Java SDK
  2. Install the latest version of the cloud connector
  3. Login:
    1. Administrator
    2. manage
  4. Then, go to the access control tab and set up the system and services you want to be available.
  5. go to the Principal Propagation and press refresh.

I believe in my case, step 5 was the key.  Anyway, hope this can help you out,

Thanks for reading,

BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE – Updating Conditions

It’s rather amazing, after all the time I’ve been using the BAPI: BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE, I just learned something new.  I was recently trying to do an update to a repair sales order to add lines automatically from a service quotation.  The problem I kept running into was that no matter what I tried, the update of a condition didn’t work. It just kept adding a second line (and to make things worse, it was ignored in lieu of the automatically determined condition).

this took some digging to figure out, but I finally found OSS Note: 593246

The note explains that the LOGIC_SWITCH-COND_HANDLE = ‘X’ parameter allows you to simplify the whole condition process.  By using this you no longer need to explicitly define something as insert or update (I or U).  Instead, you skip entering the entire CONDITIONS_INX table.  Instead, just enter in the basic fields of the condition that you need:


the BAPI takes care of the rest.  I can’t believe I’ve never run into this before, but this one was worth capturing.

thanks for reading,

Want to improve your service management implementation?

A while ago, I wrote an E-Course to demonstrate some simple things you could do today to help your service business become more efficient and more profitable.  I recently found that when I changed over my website I lost the links to this, so it had just been sitting idle (shame on me).  So I went through and checked the links and made sure it was still valid.  Well, like so much of service management, very little changes.  Including the easy things you can do today.  You don’t need to buy anything, you don’t need to make radical changes (you might need some business approvals to start new programs, but hey, they don’t really cost you anything).  For those reason, I hope you check out my E-course.

Service Management E-Course

As always, if you have any questions, just let me know.  Thanks for reading,



SAP Gateway – debug

Well, in taking the OpenSAP class, I learned a new trick.  This may be old hat to you hardcore developers, but it was new for me.  This trick is especially helpful when testing from a REST client.  I personally use Postman, but it really doesn’t matter.  Simply add the following statement to the end of your service call:


Then execute the call, and you will get a much nicer look at exactly what is sent back from your request.  It gives you the opportunity to look at things while clicking on links to see what exactly is happening.  It even provides links to other entity sets you may be calling.  Just a little tip to make life easier for you.

Thanks for reading,

How Mobile do you want to be in SAP???

I recently talking with friend Jeff, and we started going down an interesting tangent.  We started talking about all of the mobility that SAP is driving to.  Between Fiori, Personas, UI5 etc, SAP is really trying to give it’s tired old look a face lift.  Far be it from to argue that SAP is ugly.  Then the recent news of the SAP/Apple partnership made me ask the question the whole concept.  I realize that we are living in a mobile world, and everything does things from their phones.  But how much of your enterprise business can really be done a mobile device?

Now, there is the obvious things like field service, mobile sales teams, and perhaps in some industries there is even a smart enough customer base to give your customers the possibility to create their own sales orders or service requests.  But for things like production, finance, HR, purchasing etc, how much work would ever be done mobile???  I would love to hear some feedback on this.  How mobile is a company willing to be?  and how much are they willing to invest in it?  I just personally see it in such a restricted place that you would ever need a mobile app on your iPhone to interact with SAP.

Now, I’m all about the cloud, and for my personal world of service, I’m all about mobility.  But in my humble opinion, why you would need anything more than a web application (FIORI) for most businesses in most areas.  And when you do, just make it a Hybrid application.  Then you get the best of both worlds without redesigning the wheel.  It’s true, if you do some native, you can make it look however you want.  And if the app is customer facing, I totally understand.  But how many things will be customer facing?  and how many of your customers will be downing a new mobile app to do business with you?  I personally find myself clearing out a lot of apps a week or two after I install them.  I realize it’s much easier to go on a browser with a real keyboard.  It’s novel, but for me, not practical.

What do you think?  I’m just out of touch on how important mobile is?  or this just a buzz word that SAP is trying too hard to capitalize on?

Thanks for reading,

UI5 – ValueHelpRequest with the storage functionality

Well, for those of you that don’t really care about the technical nuances of UI5, you’ll be happy to know that I can give it a rest for a bit after today.  Now, this took me way more time than it should have.  I kept looking for elegant solutions to solve this, and at the end of the day, I really should have just kept it simple (it’s ultimately what worked).  So, the issue with the valuehelprequest is that it doesn’t send back a text value, rather it sends back and object.  This object has Tokens and other pieces.  Well, since I”m using the storage method to save this to the browser so it can be saved for the user, storage can NOT write an object.  It pretty much has to be JSON text.  It initially took me some time to figure out why it stopped saving anything to my browser.  Once I finally figured out the cause, then I went into solution mode.

My first idea (that spent entirely too much time on) was to build a simple JSON model and assign that model to my storage object.  Well, I didn’t really think it through, since a JSON model is an object itself…  but I tried for a while with arrays, JSON, etc…  Needless to say, this approach did not work for me.  Finally, I decided to just convert it to a text string.  Even this took a little time, since I needed to figure out keys to use in order to be able to read it back without the possibility of random data screwing it up (and it could still happen… but it’s at least unlikely).

So, I chose to capture it in the following format:

Key%%%Text;;; Key%%%Text;;;  for as many search criteria as the user entered.

Then, when I come back, I can read the method I wrote about yesterday to get all the values I needed to create a filter or to re-write the values into the input fields.  I used a simple while loop to get it back:

iLen = val.length;
while (iLen > 0) {
iEnd = val.indexOf(“%%%”);
sKey = val.slice(0, iEnd);
val = val.slice(iEnd + 3, iLen);
iEnd = val.indexOf(“;;;”);
sText = val.slice(0, iEnd);
val = val.slice(iEnd + 3, iLen);
iLen = val.length;
// call my method from yesterday’s post
oTok = ProxProdSup.util.Formatter.getFilters(sKey, sText);
//  then either create tokens for the input field or create filters.

Thanks for reading,