Blogging – How it paid off for me!

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Well, I’d love to say that my blog is directly driven thousands of dollars in sales to me…  it hasn’t happened, yet.  However, what my blog did for me was provide me a bunch of useful information that needed.  You know how I keep telling you that I use my blog is my digital notebook?  Well, that’s exactly how I used it this past week.

Yet again, I needed to build another SAP system, so that I have a place for contractors to develop.  Well, once again, I needed to build a system from scratch because the one I have is “quirky” to say the least.  If I hadn’t done so much development and master data loads, I’d probably scrap it and use a copy of the new system I just built…  but oh well.

Building a new system meant that I needed to start from scratch.  That meant installing a printer (I had a blog post on that), seeing what files I needed to do the install (I had a post on that), generating a solution manager key (I did a post on that too), configuring STMS (you guessed it)…

So, all my blogging directly benefited me.  I didn’t have to dig through cryptic notebooks.  Since I write for you guys, it forces me to document my thoughts properly…  not in my half awake code language that I tend to use for taking notes.  Great for 30 mins for now, any longer, and I have to stare at it for an hour to figure what on earth I was even writing about.

So, no money yet, but it saved me a ton of time.  If you haven’t already, start your digital notebook today.

thanks for reading,


As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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