Once again, thanks to my good friend Jeremy. He has once again given me a cool tool to use. The report:
It works as a Where Used within code to find any particular statement. It’s provided by SAP, but like so many thing, it isn’t advertised. Jer deals with a highly customized environment, so this tool is invaluable.
Here’s the basics of it, you get to define define what program(s) you want to search through (along with lots of other selection options). Then enter in the String you are looking for.
In my recent optimization, I needed to hunt through my code and find all the places I was using ENDSELECT. It would’ve been much easier had I used this program to find everywhere, instead of my hunt and paste methodology going through lots of different programs and ABAP methods. So, my gift to those of you that didn’t know about this, here you go. Courtesy of SAP =)
Thanks for reading,