Seems I’m on a roll with the IPC stuff, so here’s another interesting thing I just learned. It seems that SAP has changed the way that the IPC will handle hidden characteristics. Originally, you had the option to make a selection within the configurator to show the hidden characteristics to not show them, much like CU50 can do with the hidden characteristic button. Well, the IPC has changed it’s logic, and now within the XCM, you only get the option of always showing the hidden characteristics, or never showing the hidden characteristics.
Well, I gotta say, it always confuses me when functionality is taken away within a program. I can only hope that this buys back a lot of performance or make the maintenance easier for the engine, because from a user perspective, this really kind of sucks. Alright, this is just another short one for today. Thanks for reading,
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike