Variant Config – Limited Numeric Characteristics

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I recently “re-discovered” this this when I was trying to build a model that limited the values within a numeric characteristic.  I created a Cstic that had the following values:


It seemed pretty straightforward.  Then I wanted to set the value = 0 if a different cstic was equal to No, and have it be greater than 1, if it was equal to Yes.  Seemed so easy.  I tried all sorts of variations of my code, but even in the trace it would say the inference was scheduled, but it would never do anything 🙁

I finally changed the values to be:



and used the same logic.  Like magic, it did my restrictions.  So it turns out that restricting a range doesn’t work so well, so if you run into a similar issue, break your values into individual pieces.  Now, this isn’t ideal for everything, but if you have integers, this approach can work.

Thanks for reading,

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