Transporting a Reference Billing Plan

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In my latest endeavor to document all of the pieces of service contracts I recently stumbled on an interesting problem.  When you create a new billing plan type, you can create a sort of template.  The problem is that the template is stored in the standard tables of FPLA and FPLT.  Short story, you can’t transport this to QA or Production.  You receive the following message:

Billing plan references cannot be transported. Message no. V1719. Billing plan references, created in Customizing, cannot be transported. Maintain the billing plans, that are used in Customizing, in the new system.

Thanks to the following SCN post I found the tricks.

First off, check OSS Notes: 135028 & 356483

Go to transaction SOBJ and there double click on object V_TFPLA_MU_TRANS, then in the details set the flag V_OBJ_H-CURSETTING for Current Settings.

Thereafter you will be able to use OVBM in your productive system.

I needed to remember this myself, so I thought I’d share it with you.

Thanks for reading,

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