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Variant Configuration – CU60E – Uploading to a Variant Table

Hey everyone, I figured it was about time I drifted back to VC for a while.  I’ve been posting about business and service a lot lately, so here’s a little tidbit that has come in very handy for me.  Often time when you’re loading in a variant table, there can quite a few entries.  So SAP built in a pretty little cool utility.  It’s CU60E.  The only problem with it is that isn’t intuitive exactly how it works, so here’s how you can make use of it.

1.    The characteristics in your file must be listed in the same order as they appear in the variant table.

2.    The file must be saved in a ‘;’ delimited file (Use CSV, and then do a find a replace).

3.    Validate the CSV file to make sure there are no quote marks included.  If there are, they need to be deleted.

4.    The upload should only be done for the initial load of the table.   When it runs, it wipes out the existing contents, and uploads the file.  You cannot append to an existing table using this transaction.

If you follow those 4 simple steps, you’ll be able to upload to any variant table using CU60E.

happy configuring!

Remember, if you need any help with variant configuration, service management or production planning, please use the contact us button above, and let us know how we can help,



1.    the variant table.

2.    The file must be saved in a ‘;’ delimited file (Use CSV, and then do a find a replace).

3.    Validate the CSV file to make sure there are no quote marks included.  If there are, they need to be deleted.

4.    The upload should only be done for the initial load of the table.   When it runs, it wipes out the existing contents, and uploads the file.  You cannot append to an existing table using this transaction.