Primary Interests

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Since I’ve been big into learning more about myself lately, another interesting thing about people I learned is that everyone has a primary interest, and a secondary interest.  The idea is that everyone has a favorite interest that they are mostly likely to talk about, mostly likely to be with or do, or in general, it’s what they prefer.  There are 5 interests:

  1. People
  2. Places
  3. Things
  4. Activities
  5. Information

Now, if you think about your life, and what you find most interesting is people, you will be happiest when you are talking about people, going to meet people, planning on seeing people, etc.  And often, there is a 2nd interest that also gets you excited, but maybe not quite as much.  For example, it might people and places.  If this is you, you might often find yourself talking about someone and where they where, what vacation they are going on, where you met them, or where they are going to dinner.  The idea is that everyone has a primary interest.

Looking at myself, I think I tend to be information and activities.  When looking at my life, it is a constant pursuit of knowledge.  Whether it be finding new skills to better myself or my business, new ways to talk my kids, or just some new piece of technology that fascinates me.  The 2nd interest for me is activities.  My favorite things to do revolve around cool activities.  Maybe traveling to a new place, visiting a new city, going on some sort of extreme adventure (like skydiving or rafting), or maybe just playing football.  But if you analyze this close enough, you can see that places tend to pop up a lot for me as well.  So maybe I’m more split in the secondary interest.  But in general, when I talk about things, I most enjoy talking about something new I learned or want to learn.

Now, what the hell does this get you knowing this information?  Not a huge benefit.  The benefit comes when you start looking at the people in your life or people you want to spend time with.  If you can determine their primary and secondary interest, it will be far easier to find activities or conversations to keep both of your interested.  Even if it means stretching a bit of your comfort zone.  At least you can recognize why you enjoy doing certain things with certain people.

Where do you fit in???

Thanks for reading,

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