Git and GitHub – another new experiment

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Well, first Python and now Git & GitHub.  I’m learning all sorts of new things from Udacity.  I got to the end of lesson 1 in the intro to machine learning class.  I get ready to do the exercise and it starts talking about cloning a git repository.  What the hell does that mean?!?  Turns out, I had to take a different rabbit hole and take the Udacity class how to use Git and GitHub.  It was a pretty short little class, and I have a pretty good idea of how git works.  It started to get a little more complex toward the end when it talked about collaborating and other stuff like that…  but I’ll cross that bridge if I need to come to it 🙂

In the meantime, I learned that using Git is a great way to keep track of all my changes, and actually quite easy to use.  With a few simple installs, I had bash running on my PC, and I was able to track my little projects pretty easily.  It makes me realize how rudimentary things are in ABAP.  I know, I’ve been stuck in that world for too long, but the good news is that using the WebIDE gives me the option to use GitHub to track my code.  Which I’m realizing will be a very nice thing to do.  Especially since I often experiment and then forget exactly what I started with.

If you are unfamiliar with Git, the basic concept is that you when you want, you can commit your changes to the repository, and at any time, you see exactly what changed.  You can even create a whole new branch so that your master files still exist in the form you know is working, but you can experiment on the “tangent” branch to try new things, and when you are ready, you can even merge your changes with the working master files.  Rather slick.  GitHub takes things to the next level by putting it all in the cloud and allowing you to “easily” collaborate with other people and leave comments and more.  I only say “easily” because I haven’t had a reason to use that functionality, so I had a hard time applying it.  but Git will certainly be something I start to use more… especially since I’m doing things outside of ABAP for a change.  I recommend the class.  It’s pretty easy, and has good examples.

Crazy, but every day it’s something new… and usually unexpected.

Thanks for reading,

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