Finding your purpose, a different spin

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Well, for the past couple of months, I’ve been focused very hard on finding my purpose.  I have found this endeavor way more challenging than I originally expected.  I’ve been spending my morning dog walks just thinking about what I should be doing with my life.  Last week, I spent on vacation (well, mostly) and I had a new revelation.  How can you know what to do with your life if you don’t know what it is that makes you happy?

So I started down a new path…  I came realize that my entire life is built around my family.  I love them more than anything, but I have to live my entire life based on serving their needs first.  I’ve gotten so good at this, that I actually forgot what makes me happy.  It seems like such a silly question until you actually stop and analyze it.  So that’s exactly what I’ve been starting to do.  Keep in mind, this is a new endeavor, so if you have any good advice on this topic, please share it.

  1. Trying to remember my life before a a family (wife & kids).  Was I happy then?  what was I doing?
  2. What activities do I really love to do.  BY that I mean, do I do that I can lose myself in for a few hours and not even notice the time is gone.
  3. What makes me smile?  What makes me laugh?
  4. What makes me feel really alive?

None of these are as easy as I would like, but it’s what I’m currently working through.  Maybe once I know what makes me happy, I can figure out how to add more of that to my life and get a better idea of what I’m really meant to be doing.  Food for thought.

Thanks for reading,

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