Doing What you Love

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Through my years of being a consultant, one thing I’ve learned over and over again is that doing right by clients or friends isn’t about the money.  Maybe it’s because I truly like parts of SAP, or I just like solving problmes, but I find myself time and time again helping out people with random problems.  I find that those moments make me happy.  Perhaps I am really doing what I’m meant to do.

Now, the day to day consulting has it’s ups and down.  I love the thrill of a new project, learning new business process, and solving new challenges.  Of course, the downsides include the endless amounts of documentation, random meetings, and the scores of other bureaucracy that can come on any large project.  But at the end of the day, I love working with businesses and love solving problems.  As it turns out, I’m good at solving issues in Service and Variant Configuration within SAP.  And I find that many times, I don’t care about the money.  If someone has a question, or even just needs an hour of my time, I’m happy to sit down and talk with them.  Help them understand the ins and outs.  At the end of it, maybe they even hire me on to do some hard core consulting…  or maybe I can give them everything they need in an hour.  Who cares?!?

What I care about is helping people solve problems.  Maybe I finally figured out my purpose in life…  or at I’m getting closer.  What makes you happy?  what do you do that you don’t get paid for?  what gets you excited?  Whatever that is, do more of it… 🙂

Thanks for reading,

As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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