Well, it turns out my new system is teaching me all sorts of things lately. Today, I learned the value of how to code the select statement. In my old ERP 6.0 SR3 system, I built a small program to make notifications in my system. I use it to generate master data to test my dashboard. Well, the statement worked just fine so I didn’t think anything of it.
Select equnr from VIQMEL into lv_equnrfor all entries in lt_equip
where equnr = lt_equip-equnr and
kzloesch = ” and
owner = ‘4’.
… do something here.
The statement seemed harmless enough… until I went to load this into my new EHP4 system. It has the upgraded kernel, latest support packs, blah blah blah. It suddenly when a minute, to hours to execute this same piece of code. I still don’t know exactly what changed… but sure as hell, my code changed 🙂
I moved to:
select equnr from viqmel into corresponding fields of table lt_qmelwhere equnr = lt_equip-equnr and
kzloesch = ” and
owner = ‘4’.
loop at lt_equip into wa_equip.
read table lt_qmel into wa_qmel with key equnr = wa_equip-equnr.
if sy-subrc = 0.
… do something…
this dropped it make into the less than a minute to read the new code. wow. I don’t know what caused the issue, maybe it was 7.01 vs. 7.00, but the same table read in a slightly different way made a huge difference in this program.
Thanks for reading,