Well, yesterday I mentioned that I’m building a screen, and I wanted to have a nice dropdown list for characteristic values. So I was able to get a table of the characteristics and values, but now I need to do something to get it into a nice dropdown list. Here’s how I did it. This little function module takes the field, and you give it a table (value_tab) which holds the key and the description. Then it pulls up a nice looking popup window.
So, the first step happens in your screen designer (TXN: SE51). In the PAI section, you need to add a statement to the bottom:
field WA_CSTICS-VAL MODULE drop_cstic_val.
In this statement, WA_CSTICS-VAL is the field I needed a dropdown list for. Then I just needed a module to load the stuff. That was drop_cstic_val. In that module, I just used the function I talked about yesterday in my post on dropdown list for characteristic values. Then I called this function to generate the dropdown list popup.
retfield = ‘KEY’
window_title = WA_CSTICS-ATNAM
dynpprog = sy-repid
dynpnr = ‘0100’
dynprofield = ‘FIELD_W_DROPDOWN’
value_org = ‘S’
value_tab = lt_val
parameter_error = 1
no_values_found = 2
And that’s all there is to creating the dropdown list popup. Thanks for reading. I have some more tricks related to this… but you’ll have to wait till tomorrow =)
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike