Next, we’ll talk about configuring the service order to be allowed for refurbishment processing. This is ultimately what allows the service order to work in our in-house scenario. The refurbishment processing is simply the act that takes in a material and allows you to perform a repair, a fix, an upgrade or whatever, and then deliver the product back out again.
This piece will copy setting if you perform a copy from service order.
IMG->Plant Maintenance and Customer Service->Maintenance and Service Processing->Maintenance and Service Orders->Functions and Settings for Order Types->Indicate Order Types for Refurbishment Processing
From here, if you want to use refurbishment, just check the box. If you copied an existing order type like SM03, this field will already be checked.
Thanks for reading,
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike