
Master Warranty – part 1

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With many new readers, I thought I’d go back into the archives and revive some older posts.  This week, I want to talk about the Master Warranty.  There will be 4 parts, talking about the configuration, master data, and even using them.

Today will be part one of my series on Master Warranties, or even Warranties in general.  The Master Warranty is SAP’s solution for an easy, reusable way to attach a rule based warranty to your equipment records.

So to start this off, you first need to make sure the master warranty functionality is setup.  So, moving down the list, we first look at Check Warranty Categories.

You’ll see by default there are 2 standard versions.  Customer & Vendor.  I can’t think of another option for warranty, but SAP does give you the option to add new entries :)  Just make sure the master warranties you want available are checked.  By default, both are checked and normally, you want change this, unless you want to turn off Vendor Warranties for example.

Next up, we’ll look at Define Warranty Types

This is the biggest piece of configuration in the whole master warranty area.  Again, you have the 2 options Customer & Vendor.  Now there are a bunch of fields you can setup (but you don’t need to)…

D.Box.Not – If the indicator is set, a dialog box is displayed when you create a service notification that gives you the warranty status.
D.Box.Ord – If the indicator is set, a dialog box is displayed when you create a service order that gives you the warranty status.
D.Box.Inv – If the indicator is set, a dialog box is displayed when you create a service invoice that gives you the warranty status.
Status Profile – allows you set status profile (a group of status’ that apply) to a particular warranty type.
Partner Determination Procedure – just like everywhere else in SAP.  Figures out your partners.
Usage of the Condition Table & Application & Procedure – You can set this to work according to the condition tables like Pricing, listing/exclusion, etc…  This is actually new to me.  I didn’t realize this could be done, and after a little more digging, it does nothing…  these are fields for future use…  so they do nothing.  So much for my excitement.

Well, this seems like a good place to stop for today.  I’ll pick this up again in the next post and talk further about configuring the master warranty.

As always, thanks for reading,

As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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