Ever since we got a dog, I’ve been waking up early to take her for a long walk. Eventually, this become my quiet time of the day. Of course, it annoys my wife having an alarm set for 5:15am every day, but I do my best to turn it off quickly 🙂 and I think she’s able to get back to sleep. What I have discovered is that you can become a morning person if you want to. I always fancied myself a night owl. I think the long hours of programming burned that idea into my head. It turns out, it was about late at night, it was just the quiet. The time to myself with no one else talking to me. So, since I’m walking the dog anyway, I decided to take the morning for myself. With all the things I’ve been learning, having a routine is very important to starting the day off right. So, I’ve built myself a routine. Much of this routine is new and evolving, but I started a new 30 day course from Perry Marshall. It focuses a lot on what he calls Renaissance time. Which basically means to take time for yourself, center your mind and avoid getting bombarded by life, social media or whatever. It’s been a good thing, and if you don’t already have some practice like this, it’s worth trying. I skipped a day, and found myself pretty “off-balance” and cranky until I found some time for myself. Even if you can just get 20 minutes, it can make all the difference in the world.
5:15am get out of bed and walk the dog for about 30 minutes. I use this time to just let my mind wander, listen to an educational podcast or plan my morning. Just the fact that it’s dark and quiet, is a great way for me to start the morning.
5:50am – feed the dog, have a quick snack
6:00am – Do my headspace meditation
6:20am – read something. Lately, I’m trying to read Meditation by Marcus Aurelius (I confess, I struggle with it, but it’s getting easier the more I read) If you don’t recognize the name, watch Gladiator.
6:40am – write down my goals, something I’m Thankful for, and a question I need to think about for the day.
Usually, by this time, one or both of my kids are awake, so my morning quickly evolves into making breakfast and having deep conversations about legos or princess dresses. I need to find some time to build exercise into this too… but I guess I’ll have to wake up a little earlier to pull that off… I guess I’ll need to start waking up at 5am. ha ha ha. the point today is find a routine for yourself that doesn’t include facebook or any other social media, news programs that just make you angry, or jumping right into emails or work.
Thanks for reading,
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike