Making the Physical world digital

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Well, recently in my quest to get rid of cable TV, I’ve been setting the groundwork for using internet TV.  That’s meant experimenting with antennas so that I can still watch live sports (they work really well in the right locations, and do almost nothing in other.), solidifying the internet service, etc.  One of the things I didn’t really think about was an easy way to watch my own DVDs/BluRays.  My buddy Justin turned me on to a really cool app (when my Roku arrives) I’m sure it will be an even better channel.  It works as a movie server.  So you can just pick whatever movie I want to watch and stream it.  WOW.  so cool.

Now, with everything, there is a downside.  First off, physical disks need to be converted to digital.  Now, my point for today is the fact that we often don’t even realize how many physical things we have that could be converted to digital.  A few years back, I got in the habit of making a digital filing cabinet.  I scan everything, put it in it’s proper folder, and I can access it whenever I need it.  Traveling for work, this has saved my butt multiple times.  But, all of these things take time.  I’ve often wondered if there was a cheap service that could do it for you, or maybe I’m the only one anal enough to need all of this done.

I’m curious if anyone else does this, and have they found a good way to convert physical to digital.  I’d love to hear a better option if one exists 🙂

Thanks for reading,

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