
Installing Persona’s 3.0 lessons Learned

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Well, like so many things in SAP, nothing is as straightforward as expected.  In order to finally get Persona’s up and running I had to go through a few iterations of updates.

Step 1.  Update the kernel.  Even this is more challenging than I expected, of course, a lot of it was user error.  ha ha ha.  I learned  I have to pay a lot of attention to make sure that the files I download are in the correct release as well in Unicode, the correct DB, etc.  I got very used to downloading files in the old version of Service.SAP.com.  The new UI5 version certainly looks nicer, but navigating it was a new adventure.

Step 2.  Install personas.  This part was easy 🙂  using SAINT, it was very straightforward.

Step 3.  Perform minor configuration.  Most of this was activating the new services.  For the list, check the oss note:  2222773.  Also, assign your user one of the new Persona authorization roles.  Admin is probably the likely one 🙂

I thought I was good to go here.  Unfortunately, I got nothing.  So I dug deeper into the OSS message, and it referenced a guide.  The guide directed me toward a host of OSS notes that I needed to apply.  Every version is different, so I won’t bother to include all the notes (and of course prerequisites).

Again…  thought I was done after this.  But it turns out if you upgrade your kernel to 742 – 401, then it’s too new for Persona’s, unless you upgrade to SP02 or SP03.  So my final step was to update to SP03.  Finally, I hit paydirt.  I may try this on my old EHP4 system, just to see what happens, but it might be more trouble than it’s worth.

Thanks for reading,

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