The importance of gratitude

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I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but at least for me, I know I need to pay attention when I hear the same message from multiple, unrelated sources and they both come in a short period of time.  The latest one is the need for gratitude.  Now I’ve heard this before, but like so many things in my life, I hear a lot of ideas, some stick at the time, and some pass me by…  until they hit me across the head with a 2×4 🙂  Gratitude is one of those.

I just finished reading a book about managing my money by Tony Robbins (Money: Master the game).  The funny thing is that I have a great financial planner, so in general, the book probably wasn’t something I need to spend my time on, but when I get the idea to read a book, it’s usually a higher power directing me 🙂  Well, the book was great because it got me excited about saving again… but importantly, the last chapter talked about how to “really” be happy.  Money is one component of it, but far me important is being thankful for what you have.  If you constantly spend your life thinking about what you don’t have, how could you ever be happy.  This simple idea really got me thinking of just how great my life is.  It also reminded me of something I heard in Brian Tracy years ago… “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood”.  And by that, when I look at who I am today, it’s directly because of all the things that built me character.  Even things I thought were regrets, or a rough periods are really just the opportunities to become better.   It’s all in how you look at it.

The very simple take-away is that if you want to be happy, you MUST be grateful.  Be grateful to all the people in your life, all the events that made you who you are today.  My latest morning habit is spend 3 minutes at the start of my day, close my eyes and think of all the things I’m grateful for.  The idea is deeply feel the appreciation for whatever you are grateful for.  Then, finish up by asking for good things for the people in your life.  Health, wealth, good luck, whatever.

I’ve only been doing it for a couple days, but it’s a great way to start the day.

Thanks for reading,

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