Habit vs. Ritual

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I was recently attending church, and while sitting there I started wondering why so many things were done the way the they were.  There were so many things that seemed to have no reason.  You stand up, you sit down, you stand up, you bow your head, your recite something, you sit back down.  The question is why?  I’m certain that there was a reason for this, but I’d be curious to know how many people that attend church remember why all these things happen the way they do.

This got to me thinking about habits could become rituals.  In my mind, a ritual is something that has been done in a certain way for so long, that most people no longer remember exactly why they happen.  Now, I have become a creature of habit, literally.  I tend to do things the same way, and try to build “good” habits.  But any habit runs the risk of becoming a ritual…  and when we mindlessly do things the same way we tend to fall into traps and forget to look for better ways.

Remember to look at your habits…  make sure they are still the right choices.  Always revisit and make sure there isn’t a better way to do things.

Thanks for reading,

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