Dropbox – Getting the most out of the cloud

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I think I may have touched on this a while ago, but I’m constantly reminded of just how useful having a ropbox account is.  Originally I created a Dropbox account just so I could easily most large files from one computer to another.  Since that time, my appreciation has only grown.

The first great thing about Dropbox is that you can share folders.  This means it is incredibly easy to share pictures (even large file sizes) with any group of people you choose.  If you have Dropbox start automatically on your computer, you will get a quick notification that new files or changed files exist in your folder, so it’s easy to know if you have something new to look at.

Next up, the whole cloud concept.  I confess, I heard about the cloud for a long time and never really got the concept until recently.  Now I finally get that it’s just a virtual location for some or all of your files.  Why do you care?  Well, you never know when your HDD is gonna fail (if you read some of my earlier posts, you know that I’ve had major heartaches when my hard drive died).  The cloud lets you put those files somewhere else that is safe, and highly unlikely that those HDD will die at the same time as your own.

Collaboration is the next great thing.  While it’s not quite as cool as I’ve heard that Google docs is, sharing specifications and business documents with my partner has never been easier.  We have a shared folder, and we keep everything important in there.  If we make changes to something, we can instantly let the other know to take a look at the latest updates.  Otherwise, I’ve always had to deal with emailing file back and forth, and waiting for a new attachment, then making sure that you only keep the latest version, blah blah blah… you get the idea.

Anyway, I’m not getting paid for this, but I do highly encourage you to get a Dropbox account.  It’s a free cloud if nothing else (and you can share things even on your smartphone from your computer).


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