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Habits… Easy to break, hard to make

It’s amazing how time flies, and how quickly it is to get out of a good habit.  I realized it’s been too long since I’ve done any blog posts.  And it made me realize that habits are hard to make, but easy to break.  I was in the zone to write posts, and keep them coming.  Then suddenly I got a bit busy, and before I knew it, it had been a few weeks since my last post.  Why???  of course there are the typical excuses.  I was busy, went on vacation, big projects at work or countless other excuses.  But at the end of the day it all comes down to one thing.  Willpower.

I was listening to a podcast, and it was summed up really well.  Our most valuable commodity is our willpower.  Every day we get a finite amount of it, and it can it very easily be wasted.  Think of all the little things we try to do every day.  Maybe it’s eating healthier, exercising every day, learning a new skill or meditating every morning.  Well, if you only have a little bit of willpower, can you really spread it across multiple endeavors and expect to succeed?  of course.  The only chance you have is to guard you limited resource and use it wisely.  Pick one thing and focus all your willpower on it.  If possible, pick your skill and try to do it first thing in the morning to make sure your willpower doesn’t get used up.

Unfortunately, this won’t help you from breaking a habit, but if you invest a month or two doing something, you are likely to make it into a lifestyle.  Once you reach the point of just doing what you want to do without thinking about it, then you can move on to your next goal 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – Adding custom fields to a notification

I recently had an interest in adding custom fields to a notification.  It’s been a while, so I check with my old friend google, and found a great blog on this already.  I figured I’d share that.

I’ll be experimenting with this soon.

Thanks for reading,

Service Management: using a batch in a service contract

I recently came across an interest challenge in SAP.  A company has both serialized products and batch managed products.  The catch is that a service contract can cover batch managed products as well as serialized products.  This is something I have never tried before, but upon inspection, standard SAP does not appear to this account.  So, from my perspective, I see 2 clear paths to handle this.

  1. Add a bunch of custom code and fields to the following objects
    1. Service Contracts
    2. Service Notifications
    3. Batch records (for enhanced warranty as well)
    4. Service Orders
    5. Repair Sales orders
  2. Create an equipment record for each batch

Both of these have pro’s and con’s.

Option 1 involves a lot of development work, as well as some creativity to try to leverage the service contract/warranty functionality in the SD and SM transactional data.

Option 2 doubles the amount of master data, but allows you to leverage all the standard functionality in the service realm for batches.

Is there a better way that I’m missing?  has anyone else encountered this requirement?  I would love to hear your take.

Thanks for reading,

The importance of gratitude

I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but at least for me, I know I need to pay attention when I hear the same message from multiple, unrelated sources and they both come in a short period of time.  The latest one is the need for gratitude.  Now I’ve heard this before, but like so many things in my life, I hear a lot of ideas, some stick at the time, and some pass me by…  until they hit me across the head with a 2×4 🙂  Gratitude is one of those.

I just finished reading a book about managing my money by Tony Robbins (Money: Master the game).  The funny thing is that I have a great financial planner, so in general, the book probably wasn’t something I need to spend my time on, but when I get the idea to read a book, it’s usually a higher power directing me 🙂  Well, the book was great because it got me excited about saving again… but importantly, the last chapter talked about how to “really” be happy.  Money is one component of it, but far me important is being thankful for what you have.  If you constantly spend your life thinking about what you don’t have, how could you ever be happy.  This simple idea really got me thinking of just how great my life is.  It also reminded me of something I heard in Brian Tracy years ago… “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood”.  And by that, when I look at who I am today, it’s directly because of all the things that built me character.  Even things I thought were regrets, or a rough periods are really just the opportunities to become better.   It’s all in how you look at it.

The very simple take-away is that if you want to be happy, you MUST be grateful.  Be grateful to all the people in your life, all the events that made you who you are today.  My latest morning habit is spend 3 minutes at the start of my day, close my eyes and think of all the things I’m grateful for.  The idea is deeply feel the appreciation for whatever you are grateful for.  Then, finish up by asking for good things for the people in your life.  Health, wealth, good luck, whatever.

I’ve only been doing it for a couple days, but it’s a great way to start the day.

Thanks for reading,

Variant Configuration – Allowing a material type to be configurable

I recently ran into this when trying to make a DIEN (service material type) configurable.  It let me check the box and everything was fine until I tried to add  a configuration profile.  (CU41).  No matter what I did, it wouldn’t allow me to add the class.  It finally hit me, the classification screen wasn’t active in class type 300 for the DIEN material.  If you run into something similar, here’s how to fix it.


SPRO -> Logistic – General -> Basic Setting -> Material Types -> Define Attributes of Material Types

Select the material type and select the detail screen.

on the right side of the screen there is a list of screen.  If the screen you need (classification for me) isn’t highlighted, simply highlight it and press save.

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – Maintenance Plans – Configure the Category

Since I’ve recently been doing some work around maintenance plans, I thought this could be a good topic for a few blog post.

First you must setup the category for the maintenance plan.  I recommend creating a new category and then following the remainder of this section to complete all the needed configuration.

IMG->Plant Maintenance and Customer Service-> Maintenance Plans, Work Centers, Task Lists and PRTs -> Maintenance Plans -> Set Maintenance Plan Categories

Click on new entries to create your own version.

Maint. Plan cat. : This is the 2 digit category for your maintenance plan type.  It is recommended to create a different category for each major category.

Name : This is just the description of the category.

Call object : This is the type of document that will be generated by the plan.  Keep in mind, depending on your process, you may select a “softer” document like the notification to put a reminder out to the call center to contact a customer to setup an appointment.  Or you may need a “harder” document that say on Nov 15th, a technician must be on-site to perform yearly maintenance.  This will often depend on your agreement with the customer.

Service Entry Sheet


Inspection Lot

Maintenance or Service Order

In service, the most common selections will be Notification or Service Order.

Change Documents: Do you want to collect change documents for any changes that you  make to the plan.  I’m a big fan of history, so I always encourage this to be checked.  You never know when you might need it.

Completion Data: You can use this indicator to influence the maintenance processing process. For example, you can prevent that every employee who can complete orders and notifications can also influence the scheduling of maintenance plans through the data.

With this indicator you can:

Activate a separate completion for the maintenance plan for the completion of call object notification and order.

Activate a dialog for the completion of notifications and orders using list processing.

Activate additional functionality for completing the call objects notification and order using a BAdI.

If you select the indicator completion date, you can enter a reference time that only applies to the maintenance plan, when you are completing a call object (notification or order) generated from a maintenance plan. To do this, you can also use the maintenance-plan-based fields completion date and completion time when you are completing an order or a notification.

These fields are pre-filled with the original plan date and the current time. If the current system date is displayed, then the original plan date is in the future and is replaced by the system date.

This is functionality I have not used in the past.

Outline Agreement:  Should this be created with reference to an outline agreement.  If you want to create a plan with reference to a service contract, this must be checked.

Ref Obj: This defines the type of object that the plan will “work” on.

O100   Functional location+equipment+assembly

O110   Equipment + assembly

O120   Functional location(30)+equipment+assbly

O130   Serial number+material number+device ID

O140   Without reference object

O150   Equipment only

O160   Functional location only

O170   Equipment + Serial No. + Material No.

O180   Functional loc. 1:1 + equip. + assembly

O190   Physical sample

You might recognize this list from the notification defaults.  I tend to always select O170.

Something interesting to take note of.  In my ECC 6.0 EHP4 system, in transaction IP50, the last category with the Outline agreement checked does NOT show up.  In my EHP7 system, this doesn’t happen.  I could not find anything in OSS that directly corrects this.  A workaround would be to create an addition plan 00 or ZZ or something with the description of do not use.  Then the previously created plan should show up just fine.

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – Multiple Master Warranties – Part 2

Well, after I did the initial implementation, I found there were a few things missing.  So I wanted to document those right now, to make it clear what needs to happen.

First, in order to make the entry screen function properly, you need to update the transactions allowed with the equipment record.  You can do that by going to transaction: VFBS

Enter in program: SAPMIEQ0

Select Function codes.

Find the entry for ENT1 and copy it.  Change ENT1 to 19 and Save.

Within the same transaction, go to T185 (the second radial button) for the same program.

Find the entry for ENT1 again and copy it.  Change ENT1 to 19 in the first FCode column.  Leave everything else the same.

This will get rid of the error that the function doesn’t exist.

This got me to a working screen, but when I saved it, it never wrote the entries back to BGMKOBJ.  So I did some more digging.

In CMOD for the user exit, you need to change the code to be:

e_subscreen_number ‘1000’.
IV_OBJNR         i_data_equiobjnr.


Next, in the Badi:  change the code to be:

field-symbols:<bgmkobj_new> TYPE wty_bgmkobj_tab,
<bgmkobj_old> TYPE table.
ASSIGN (‘(SAPLWTY20)gt_bgmkobj_new’TO <bgmkobj_new>.
check sysubrc 0.
ASSIGN (‘(SAPLWTY20)gt_bgmkobj_old2’TO <bgmkobj_old>.
check sysubrc 0.
i_data_equi    i_data_equi
it_bgmkobj_new <bgmkobj_new>
it_bgmkobj_old <bgmkobj_old>.

Once you make these updates, you will have multiple master warranties for a singe equipment record.  Pretty slick.  Now my next mission is to figure out how to make use of these entries within the service notification.  More to come soon.

Thanks for reading,

Assigning Multiple Master Warranties to an Equipment Record

Well, a new friend of mine recently told me about some functionality I had never heard of.  He explained that you could assign multiple master warranties to a single equipment record.  Initially, I wondered why you would ever want to do this.  Well, it turns out that if you do it correctly, it can be a pretty slick method to allow different warranties to apply to a single piece of equipment.  For example, you could have standard warranty, an extended warranty, a warranty that allows diagnostic visits, and they can all have their own start and end dates.

Needless to say, I had to see this for myself.  So, I found a really good post that walked me through, step by step how to implement it.

Check it out here.

Couple things I’ll add to that post.  First, if you need to create a BADI implementation, use transaction SE19.

Second, there is a little gotcha that isn’t mentioned.  You can only assign a warranty type once to a piece of equipment.  So, in the standard system, you have customer and vendor.  But if you need multiple different customer master warranties, the way the backend tables are structured you must define different warranty types in order to assign multiple.  So you might have A = initial warranty period, B = extended warranty, C = Diagnostic, D = replacement, E = On-site visits, etc…

I’m still playing with this, and need to see how the standard warranty check handles this.  Obviously, I’m curious if this might be another place to enhance the JaveLLin products 🙂

Thanks for reading,