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Service Management – Basic Order View Functionality

I recently got to play with something new to me.  The Basic View functionality make the service order a little more like the service notification in terms of it’s screen design.  The premise is that you can build your own tabs, add your own segments, etc.  Awesome.  In reality, it is still lacking in my opinion.  Here’s how to configure it.  I’ll explain what is missing as I go.

First, this is where you find it.  This IMG path is only available in newer versions.  I don’t remember when it became available.

First, we define the view profile.

This is pretty straightforward.  Create a entry, give it a name and a description.  Then, double click into the tabs folder.

Here, you create a row for each tab you want to show up.  Keep in mind, once you activate this functionality, all the original tabs disappear for this order type.  You will only display what is shown here.

This is my biggest complaint with the functionality.  You only get these sections to add to the service order.  You lose the objects tab, which is one of my go-to views in service.

Each tab can have up to 8 sections.

Once you finish the tabs, you can go to the Navigation area.

Here you get the opportunity to add buttons.  This sounds great, but in my testing, they never showed up.  If they were working, here are the options you can do.

In theory, you get the additional data and control tabs back, but still no objects.

In general, the sections look a little nicer than the original IW32, but overall, not much of a change.  I like the functionality, but it still seems limited from the original.  I configured this, then deleted it all.

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – Install Base going away in S/4???

I recently heard that SAP has plans to get rid of the IBase in S/4.  I found this rather interesting since the IBase has done almost nothing in ECC for it’s entire existence.  I hear that SAP has a new web based product AIS, I think, that is around managing assets particularly geared toward internet of things.  I know nothing about this new product, but I’m hoping to learn more about it at SAPPHIRE this year.

The thing I find most interesting is that SAP is saying the IBase is going away, but what does that really mean?  I have to imagine there are customers using it.  If that is the case, they can’t just remove the transactions and tables.  But to say that SAP won’t support it is a bit of a joke.  The install base in ECC has almost no functionality.  There is no configuration available (if you want a new category, you need to maintain a table).  There are no BAPI’s or API’s to populate the IBase.  There isn’t even a history record created out of the box.  And there is NO integration with anything else.  Say if you wanted to look at your serial number history and see that it is attached to an IBase, well good luck.  You will need to design that yourself.

I know the IBase has a lot more functionality in CRM, but since none of that functionality has been copied to ECC, seems like SAP isn’t about to stop supporting it, but rather they never supported it in the first place.  To me, this is sad, since I prefer the layout of the IBase compared to a serial number hierarchy or functional location.  But the lack of integration is disappointing.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.  Do you use the Ibase?  Have you built any custom logic to support it?

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – The Exchange Process Continued

Well, this has turned out to be more of a challenge than I originally hoped.  Nothing new in the world of service.  ha ha.  I originally started off looking for a way to automatically generate the service order for an advanced exchange (if you do an in-house repair it works great, but if you send out an exchange unit before you receive in the original, it breaks the process).  The standard program SDREPA01 gave me a clue about the item status.  However, it turned out to be a false hope.  I was able to change the status and SDREPA01 ran…  but still did nothing.  The reason was because the repair line still wasn’t defaulting in the order.  Without going into a bunch of boring details of my debugging expedition, let me skip ahead and let you know what I did find.

Getting the item to default would most likely involve lots of user-exits or possible system mods…  neither of these met my goal (to be able to build a program that any client could use without doing any system modifications).  What I found is that I could use a BAPI to add a line to the sale order, but it still wasn’t pulling in all the details I needed.  After more digging, I think the reason had to do with the serial number (or lack of) in my newly created line.  AFter more digging, I located records I had previously not noticed in the tables SER02 & OBJK.  I’m currently experimenting with a few functions that will reserve a number and populate these tables for me.  If I can pull together the right combination I think I will have my method handle Advanced Exchange.

For anyone that is curious, here are the functions that I need to execute (along with a bunch of other logic to populate them).

  • BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE – to add the new line item to my sales order
  • OBJECTLIST_NUMBER – this will pull a new OBKNR for table SER02
  • IWOU_POST_SER02 – to create the OBJK & SER02 entries

As soon as I finish pulling it all together, you may be seeing a very excited post 🙂  otherwise, it’s back to the next round of debugging.

Thanks for reading,

Relieving Stress

Recently, I wrote about being stressed out and how I noticed it was starting to impact my health.  Well, it’s funny, because since I wrote that, things have been much better.  Let me tell you about what I did, and maybe it can help you (and help me remember 🙂 ).

First, I spent a couple mornings of my dog walks just thinking about the items that were causing me stress.  Once I could actually identify what I was stressed about, then I could make a plan of action to help minimize it.  For me, it came down to my Mom’s move, finances and my overwhelming to-do list.

Next, now that I had some clues, I could start coming up with a plan to relieve the stress.  The to-do list.  I took a quick pass and removed out things that I really didn’t need on the list.  But, that wasn’t many things.  I was able to postpone out some other things…  still not a huge impact.  What really made the difference was effectively using my time.  I think I wrote about this a while ago, but I needed to go back to planning out my day.  I would do it roughly 1/2 to 1 hour increments.  The funny thing is that I would also schedule down time.  Work 2 hours,  take a 30 minute break to either do nothing, or do something I find relaxing/refreshing.  The crazy part is that I got more done with the breaks than I did without them.  I shouldn’t say crazy because it makes perfect sense.  When I’m stressed out I spend all this energy bouncing from one thing the next, I’m un-focused and run myself ragged.  All the while making things even worse.  Draining me further, so I was even less productive while working.  Just giving myself 10-30 minutes a few times a day made a world of difference.  Give it a try if you can.

Finances are always a hot button for me and this goes back to child hood.  Well, the best thing for me to do was to stop and review my budgets and take a look at all of my accounts.  By doing the simple exercise of looking at how much I need each month, then comparing that to how much I have in liquid savings, plus looking at how much of the money I spend is really savings in one form or another, I was able to objectively convince myself that I had nothing to worry about.  Even with upcoming expenses, I could see my projected invoices and begin to set my mind at ease.  I really was ok, but I guess i had to prove it to my emotional side 🙂

Mom’s move was even easier.  When I look at it, the bulk of the expenses are already paid for.  In 2 weeks, the move will all be over, including the crazy long drive with Mom and her two cats.  I also have a baseball game with friends to look forward to after I get back, so I’ll be able to have a relaxing night off after a crazy week.

I found myself today knocking off most items on my list, and feeling very little stress.  I need to do this exercise more often so I can avoid getting run down.  Hope you might be able to steal some wisdom from this.

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – Adding a Department Responsible

Since I was already playing around in HR, I thought I might as well show this one too.  Since the notification allows you to enter a person responsible, which we demonstrated earlier this week (note, you don’t even need to add it to the work center to make it available in the notification).  Now, let’s show you how to make your own departments.

Please note, if your company is using HR, you most likely will have to follow a more structured process, or someone may have already done this for you.  If not, here’s how to do it.

Transaction:  PPOCE

If this comes up, I suggest backdating it.  Either to the date you turned on SAP or the date your company was founded.  I like 1/1/2010.

Press Green Check

This will bring up a template.  New org unit.

Change the Organizational unit and description.

Press Save.

Now, it might be possible, but for me, I found I needed to back out and come back into the transaction in order to create more departments.  I believe this is because the transaction expects a structure.  So if you wanted, you could first create your company name, then in the top right pane, press create.

Select Is line supervisor of

Then again, you can fill in the short name, and description and press save.

if you use this method, you can enter in multiple without leaving the transaction.  That’s all there is to it.

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – System: Item 002000 for schedule line 001010 is in the work area

Well, I ran into an issue recently where my repair orders worked great if I only had a single line item.  However, if I added an additional line item, I was getting error message:  v1357

System: Item 002000 for schedule line 001010 is in the work area

I did some initial googling, and it was pointing me to some quality transaction, OQ77.  I took a look, but nothing going on there.  Eventually, after some debugging I found that some custom code was resorting an internal table XVBAP.  This took me some time because I was expecting the issue be around VBEP, so eventually I found where the error happened and started to work backwards, and I finally made the connection to XVBAP.  Once I figured this out, it was pretty easy to look through the custom code and see where the issue was occurring.

If you see this error, check to make sure you didn’t accidentally resort an internal table.  The sequence is rather important 🙂

Thanks for reading,

Service Management – Adding technicians to a work center – part 2

Yesterday we made the personnel record.  Today, let’s assign it to our work center.  I already have a work center called Service, so we will use that.

Transactions CR02

Press Enter

Press the HRMS button.

If this is the first time you have added a personnel record to your work center you will see this screen.

Press Create HR work Center button

Enter in your Work Center name again for Object abbr. and press green check.

Expand the folder down and highlight person (as shown below)

Then press the Create button.

Enter in your personnel record and press Copy.


Your person is now assigned to the work center.

Just press Save again and your done.

Hope this was helpful.  Thanks for reading,



Service Management – Adding a Person to a Work Center

Recently, I had to reacquaint myself with the HR system to attempt to add some personnel records to my work center.  Now, just to let you know, you don’t need to assign a person to the work center, but if you choose just to create the record, you won’t see the person in the default drop down list.  If you want the person to show up easily, I suggest adding them to the work center.

First, let’s start by creating a personnel record.  Please note, what I demonstrate here is only for service work centers.  If your company using HR to do things like payroll or benefits, you must work with HR to ensure all the correct values are entered.  (or if you are really lucky, you can skip these steps completely).

First, you need to go to PA30 to create a new person.

Be sure to select Actions to create the first info-type.  You don’t need to select more than one, everything else will just start popping up as you save one window.  Then press Create.

Fill in the required fields:

  • Start date = be sure to backdate this far enough.  I’ll usually go back 5 years to be safe 🙂
  • Personnel area = US01
  • employee Group = 1
  • employee subgroup = U3

Press Save.

Required fields:

  • Last name
  • first name
  • SSN = 123456789
  • Date of Birth = 1/1/1975

Press Save

Required Fields:

  • Subarea = 0006

Press Save

this popup will show up.  If you using an organization structure, you can enter something in here.  If you want quick and dirty, select no assignment.

Press Continue

Make up an address

Press Save.

This popup will likely occur.  If you select the state, it will automatically bring in FED.  If select FED, you will need to manually enter in the state as well.

If you select FED, you will see this popup.

you should see something like this when you are done.

Press Save (twice)  Once for each tax area.

Press Save

Required Fields:

  • Filing status

enter past the warnings

Press Save

Press Save

Required field:

  • PS Group
  • Annual Salary (optional)

Press Save

Press Save

If you receive the following message, just hit the Green Check

Required Fields:

  • Type = 10
  • Number = 240
  • start date = 1/1/2017
  • end date = 12/31/2017

Press Save

Press Save (twice)

Now you are done.  You have a personnel no.  In this example, it is number 4.  If you notice all the green checks, you will see you ended up filling in 5 different info records, even though you only picked 1.

This is enough for today.  Tomorrow I’ll show you how to assign it to the work center.

Thanks for reading,



Taking Care of Yourself – Eating Better

Last week, I talked a bit of taking better care of yourself.  Stress is so key everything.  If you are under stress, you probably eating poorly.  Case in point, the other night, I was stressed out, so decided to eat some ice cream and a few mini-candy bars.  When I feel under fire, I tend to lose my will power.  It’s awful.  But like clockwork, if I’m feeling stressed, my will power fails me.  Exercise is the same thing.  So like I mentioned last time, get your stress under control.  It will make everything easier.  Let’s say you are lucky enough to have your stress at a minimal level.  Then, you should focus on eating better.

Now, if you are like me, you hate this phrase.  It is so over used and means something different to everyone.  Regardless, here’s what it means to me.  In general I’m Paleo/Primal.  If you have been living under a rock, it pretty much means stick to meat, vegetables, and minimal fruits (just to lessen the sugar intake).  However, this is just one of many ways to eat better.  It’s what works for me, but not everyone.  However, there are some things you can do no matter what “style” of eating is for you.

First, eat fresh as often as possible.  Now, fresh doesn’t mean going to Wal-Mart and grabbing the cheap stuff.  To me, this means whenever possible eat from the farmers market or some other local source.  If they happen to be organic or non-GMO, even better.  But what I learned is that most of the stuff in the super market comes from so far away that it has be sprayed with chemicals, picked early, and probably modified in some way to survive the travel.  So…  if you can, avoid those.  Even organic isn’t always great.  Personally, I like local farmers.  It’s a double win.  You support farmers in your area and you get better food.

The next most important thing, in my opinion, is to cut out the processed foods.  Avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, white flour, salt etc.  If you can eliminate those things, you’ll be way better than most of the people in America.  Oh yeah, and don’t replace sugar/corn syrup with some chemical sweetenerow, it’s just as bad or some cases worse for your long term health.

One last thing, and I’m still trying to work on this.  But eat more often.  Eat every 3 hours or so.  By waiting this long you give your body a chance to digest all the food before throwing more on top of it.  And of course, drink lots of water to help flush your system.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m far from living by all these things…  but I am trying.  Every little bit helps.  The audio I listened to put in terms of eating for the future.  You might not eat what you consider a 10 right now, but if it’s a 7 or 8, and it’s a long term 10, seems worth it to me.

Thanks for reading,

Taking Care of Yourself

I’ve recently been feeling a bit run down, so I went back to some of my good ol’ self help audios 🙂  It’s funny how you often hear the right stuff at the right time.  I happened to start listening to something about good physical health.  Now, normally, I expect to hear the standard stuff like eat better, get more sleep, exercise, etc.  Either way, I was hoping for a little motivation boost.  Happily, I got some new tidbits that really hit home.

The number one thing that can impact your health is stress.  Well, let me tell you, stress often tends to hit me.  A good little story I heard about the zebra.  Zebra spend most of their time with little to no stress, but occassionally when I lion starts chasing them, they get a massive jolt of stress.  Now, this sort of stress is obviously beneficial.  It boosts adrenaline, and diverts your resources to survival.  But, what happens when you live every day under stress.  It doesn’t matter if it real or perceived, your body can’t tell the difference.  So when your system is constantly diverting valuable resources to daily stress, things like your immune system and general well being all suffer.

Currently, I’ve been under some additional stress.  Between busy time at work, traveling, Buying a house for my Mom, getting my Mom moved from WI to SC, plus all the financial worries that go along with this.  Personally, I have too much stress around finances as it is.  Growing up in an environment where finances were always in short supply, it has had the effect making me borderline paranoid when it comes to money.  I like to have my big chunk of savings, and not exceed my normal spending budgets.  In my case, this is irrational, because I’ve built up enough savings to take care  of the family for a while if anything happens, plus all the different insurances if anything really goes wrong.  Short story, I should NOT be stressing out about money.  So the #1 thing I walked away with is that I need to focus on removing the irrational stresses from my life.  It would be great to get rid of more than that…  but hey, start small and work my way up.

How much stress do you have in your life?  How much is silly or irrational?  how can you get it under control?  Wish I could answer this…  that’s my next stop.  if I figure it out, I’ll be sure to let you know.

Thanks for reading,