
New Book Idea – Service Management User Guide

Home / Blog / New Book Idea – Service Management User Guide

Well, in my free time I was thinking of adding to my service management library, but I wanted to throw the idea out to anyone reading my stuff to see if it’s something you’d find worthwhile.  My thought is to create a new book, in the same fashion as my first book, but instead of focusing on configuration, I’d focus on the user.  The new book would focus on using the transactions, like Service Orders, Confirmations, Notifications, etc…  I’d talk about the different fields, what you should know about each, and why I do or don’t typically encourage businesses to use them.

I’d stay with my same approach of lots of screen shots, and a quick reference at the beginning to help you focus on the standard process, but throwing in plenty of advanced stuff about each transaction (well, at least as much as I can fit into 10MB.  ha ha ha).

Please let me know if you think this is something worth my time…  or if I’m better off focusing on something else.  I always appreciate your feedback.



As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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