
Blogging Again…

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Well, it’s funny the things that encourage you to start writing again. I’m sitting waiting for my 8 year old to fall asleep and reading a new website, 1729.com. Maybe I need to back up a step. For any of you that used to read my stuff, you were usually looking for SAP tips and tricks. And while I haven’t escaped the SAP world, my heart really yearns for something else. I’ve long felt that I should be doing something more interesting. Let’s face it, I’ve been doing SAP for long enough that I’ve seen most things and don’t really feel challenged anymore.
For those of you that know me, you recognize that I’m always pushing myself to learn something new, design something, stretch myself. For the past couple of years, I’ve been doing nanodegrees at Udactity (more on that in later posts), following blockchain very closely (even took a nanodegree on that), and listening to a lot of podcasts. And that’s what got me here. I listed to a guy on Tim Ferris called Balaji and it got me excited. He covered so many topics in a few hours, and all of them rang true to me. So I went to check out his site, 1729.com. It actually pays in bitcoin for doing tasks (granted at the time I’m writing this, bitcoin is seeing a serious price crash). Now, I’m late to the game, so I missed the submission date, but the first task was to start a blog about techno-progressive topics (blockchain, crypto, decentralized cities, defi, anti-aging, etc). I’ll get to more of that later in additional posts. But the short story is that it got me excited to write again. I used to do a daily blog post, sometimes about work, sometimes about business, sometimes about personal stuff. I guess it’s time to start again :).
I’ve rambled enough, and for anyone still following me, I’m going to try to start writing again on a more consistent basis
Thanks for reading. And look for more in the coming days

As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,

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