I recently listened to a Tim Ferriss podcast, and he said something that really stuck with me. “If you can’t think big, think weird”. This resonated with me because I feel like I get stuck in what I know. It’s so easy to stick with the areas you know, or ideas that will improve things 10%. But if you really want something that will get people excited, you need to original, unique, outside of the box… pick your cliche.
So the idea is, if you feel like you are in a rut, go weird. Start brainstorming, but the crazier the better. And like any good brainstorming session, be sure to write everything down. Don’t filter, don’t censor… just go weird. An example would be “I want to lose weight”. Well the obvious ideas are diet, exercise, fat camp. Now, if you want to think weird… start going down the crazy train. Cut off a limb, move to the moon, full body transplant, anti-gravity clothes… who cares!?! Once you have the list, go through it and start looking for some gold. It’s likely that maybe you can find something to work with. Obviously, it’s not an option to live on the moon, but maybe you can find some hook around “defying gravity”. Maybe even re-brainstorm the list. Do it normal and do it weird again. It’s something new to try.
Thanks for reading,
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike