Last week, I talked a bit of taking better care of yourself. Stress is so key everything. If you are under stress, you probably eating poorly. Case in point, the other night, I was stressed out, so decided to eat some ice cream and a few mini-candy bars. When I feel under fire, I tend to lose my will power. It’s awful. But like clockwork, if I’m feeling stressed, my will power fails me. Exercise is the same thing. So like I mentioned last time, get your stress under control. It will make everything easier. Let’s say you are lucky enough to have your stress at a minimal level. Then, you should focus on eating better.
Now, if you are like me, you hate this phrase. It is so over used and means something different to everyone. Regardless, here’s what it means to me. In general I’m Paleo/Primal. If you have been living under a rock, it pretty much means stick to meat, vegetables, and minimal fruits (just to lessen the sugar intake). However, this is just one of many ways to eat better. It’s what works for me, but not everyone. However, there are some things you can do no matter what “style” of eating is for you.
First, eat fresh as often as possible. Now, fresh doesn’t mean going to Wal-Mart and grabbing the cheap stuff. To me, this means whenever possible eat from the farmers market or some other local source. If they happen to be organic or non-GMO, even better. But what I learned is that most of the stuff in the super market comes from so far away that it has be sprayed with chemicals, picked early, and probably modified in some way to survive the travel. So… if you can, avoid those. Even organic isn’t always great. Personally, I like local farmers. It’s a double win. You support farmers in your area and you get better food.
The next most important thing, in my opinion, is to cut out the processed foods. Avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, white flour, salt etc. If you can eliminate those things, you’ll be way better than most of the people in America. Oh yeah, and don’t replace sugar/corn syrup with some chemical sweetenerow, it’s just as bad or some cases worse for your long term health.
One last thing, and I’m still trying to work on this. But eat more often. Eat every 3 hours or so. By waiting this long you give your body a chance to digest all the food before throwing more on top of it. And of course, drink lots of water to help flush your system.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m far from living by all these things… but I am trying. Every little bit helps. The audio I listened to put in terms of eating for the future. You might not eat what you consider a 10 right now, but if it’s a 7 or 8, and it’s a long term 10, seems worth it to me.
Thanks for reading,
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike