Time Flies

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Why is it that the closer we get to the end of the year, the faster time seems to move?  If you are anything like me, you might be scratching your head wondering how it can be less than 2 weeks to Christmas and 3 weeks to year end.  It probably has something to do with the incredible pressure we put ourselves under to get everything right.  Between gift buying, travel plans, holiday decorating, projects at work that MUST be done before the end of the year, holiday parties, helping the elf on the shelf land safely in a new spot every night and perhaps meal planning for a family get together.

Now, throw all this on top of our every day duties like meals, house projects, kids activities and more, and you end up with a recipe for massive stress.  I always say I’m going to start early next year, but I know the truth.  I won’t start any earlier next year because life is already so jam packed, that it’s easier to get myself worked into a frenzy and spend a couple weeks stressed out to get it all done.

So, why I am talking about this?  Well, first off, since I’m scrambling to get things done, it seemed like an easy topic to write about.  Second, and more important is that we all need to take a breath and do our best to ENJOY the holiday season.  We spend so much time stressing, that we forget about really matters.  For me, that’s family.  Ten years from now, no one is going to remember the picture on the Christmas card we sent, or the presents we gave.  What they remember (I hope) is that we remember each other.  We took the time to be with family, have fun with friends and maybe even enjoy a few minutes of peace of quiet (in my house, not likely, but maybe you in your home).

This is advice is for me, but maybe you can get something out of it as well.  Take some time to enjoy what matters most in your life.

Thanks for reading,

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