I recently encountered an issue that had me baffled for longer than I care to admit. I would run through the RAS service process, get all the way to the outbound delivery, but the delivery would always issue a warning about the complete delivery flag. So I quickly went to my own system, did an example and couldn’t replicate the same issue. So I started checking configuration
- requirements type
- schedule lines
- item categories
- order types
- deliveries
- delivery item category
- etc…
Every place I looked was set up the same. Finally, I had no choice to but to go into Debug. So after spending a while in there, finally found a reference to a flag LIPS-UPFLU. I didn’t recognize this field, when to look at it and found it was talking about update the document flow. Lightbulb!!! I finally decided to look at copy control to the delivery. It turned out for the newly created item category, the update document flow check box was blank. As soon as I updated this to X, the delivery created without the message. Even after all these years, I still run into things I haven’t seen before. Hard to believe what a big difference one little checkbox can make 🙂
Thanks for reading,
As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,Mike