Month: October 2014

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Marketing – How to do a Presentation

Well, I finally got back to reading my marketing book, and I learned a couple more tidbits I wanted to share.  Today I wanted to talk about doing presentations.  This could be big presentation at a conference, a small demo, or maybe even a quick one on conversation.  Like so much of what I’ve learned, it all comes back to making the presentation about your customer.  There a few simple questions you MUST keep in mind.

  1. Who is this person?
  2. What do they want?
  3. What are they searching for?
  4. What is the single most valuable thing I could possibly offer them?

Notice that pattern with every one of these questions, they are revolving around the customer.  None of them are about how I can convince my Widget is awesome, none of them revolve about being funny or dynamic.  While these can be parts of a presentation, you need to gear this around your customer.

Who is this person?  – well you have to look beyond customer, prospect, or dollar signs.  You need to see who this person really is.  What do they do in their free time?  why are they sitting there talking to you?

What do they want?  don’t think products here.  You need to go beyond the typical sales approach.  What is about the product or service that this person believes can make their life better?  is it more time at home with their family?  is it more money so they can retire soon?  what do they REALLY want?

What are they searching for?  this is similar to what they want, but it’s a little more specific to why they are listening to you.  do they need more efficiency at work?  more time at home, and less time in the office?  do they need to avoid being on the road?  or is their business in trouble and they need everything they can get to give them an edge?

What is the single most valuable thing I could offer then?  – is it efficiency?  is it time?  is it ideas?  now again, stop thinking about what your product or service offers.  Step back from that when you determine your approach in the presentation.  Think of what you can offer them…  maybe it’s a recommendation for your competitor because they do the one thing this person needs better than you.  Maybe it’s a simple idea or white paper you just read that could give them the technology they’ve been looking for.  Right now it’s all about value you can provide…  now what you can sell them.

This formula is very simple.  Build trust with this person.  Give them your best, don’t worry about selling your widget here.  Maybe your widget will solve all their issues…  but likely, they need more.  Offer them any information you have, tidbits, or any products out there that can solve their real issues.

Thanks for reading,

What to do when you realize you did things the hard way…

Well, I just got struck alongside the head with a frying pan again.  I was in the process of rebuilding my customer system, and moving in my transports.  Well, the short story is that it’s been a lot harder than it needed to be.  I broke things up into so many pieces so that it would be easier to package them when it came to sell them, but still keep them modular, so I can sell individual pieces rather than the whole package…

Well, there were so many things wrong with that whole approach, now that I finally see it.  First, I figured out I don’t need a “namespace” for ever little product I make.  I probably needed at most, 2 namespaces.  And looking back…  could’ve just done it with one.  For those SAP geeks out there, I was using the namespace like a package…  when in reality, I should’ve just been using packages :)…

Now, for the dilemma…  how much time and effort am I willing to put forth to clean this up.  Since sales have been “meager”, it means that I do still have the clean slate option to fix it before my next sale.  But even though it is a copy and paste exercise, it could be quite an extensive exercise.  So either myself, or I have to hire someone to copy/delete, copy/delete/copy delete…  for hours on end.  Now the question comes in…  where is the value add of this activity?

Well, there are some minor value adds… first off, we could shorter the names of our transactions.  Simplify the structure of everything I’m doing.  Back it a whole lot easier to share code among the different applications…  but most of it is all on the back end.  The cost of doing this is that me or someone else isn’t working on the new offerings.  looks like I need to give this some thought…

as always, I welcome your comments,

thanks for reading,